Favorite Movie

Hail Eris!

Don't see the Fnord
Nov 14, 2001
Georgia, USA
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I figured why not ask. what the hell. My boredom is great indeed.

1 Dead Man / Jim Jarmunch
2 Taxi Driver / Scorsese
3 Fear and Loathing / Terry Gillian
4 The Wall / Alan Parker....this is the only movie ive seen that brillantly combined film and music. I wished that idea would have caught on... Still Life already plays out in my head as I hear it.


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Originally posted by Hail Eris!
4 The Wall / Alan Parker....this is the only movie ive seen that brillantly combined film and music. I wished that idea would have caught on... Still Life already plays out in my head as I hear it.

The Wall ? I'm kind of ambivalent about that one... Some parts are awesome (the animation rocks !), but in some places it's much too obvious and banal. When it's in the music, in the lyrics and in the visuals, it becomes Baudrillardism.

See this thread now - favourite movies have been discussed already.

D Mullholand
NP: Jeff Buckley - Grace
° Leaving Las Vegas
° Fargo
° Under Suspicion
° Blade Runner
° Pulp Fiction
° Robot Monster
° all movies with Bela Lugosi
° Killer Klowns From Outer Space
° Braindead (Dead Alive)
° ...
Big Lebowsky
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
The shining (Stanley kubrick)
Full metal jacket
The ninth gate
Silver fang (The animated serie) ;)
A Clockwork orange
Natural born killers

Well, i have no doubt that i have forgotten a lot of em, but heres some.. ;)
night of the hunter
blade runner (directors cut)
brain dead
bad taste
evil dead II
night of the living dead
dawn of the dead
a clockwork orange
the godfather
the shawshank redemption
Fight Club
Being John Malkovich
American Beauty
The Truman Show
Man on the Moon

...and Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie

Hey! "Killer Klowns From Outer Space"... I have a friend who just loves that movie...

Oh, and, profile - edit options - avatar
I try to arrange them...

1. From Hell
2. Magnolia
3. Citizen Kane
4. Fight Club
5. The Truman Show
6. Angel Heart

And of course Armageddon and American Pie :lol:
whats everyones obsession with citizen Kane, :confused: , i admit it isn't complete bollocks, but its not the best film ever bla bla bla.

anyway most the ones mentioned are great um, clockwork, Godfather 2, braindead (brilliant comedy horror) , shawshank, fight club, full metal jacket (best begging, the training camp), Being J. Malkovich, raging bull, but theres plenty to choose from.
I don't watch movies so often but here are some..

The Crow
The Matrix
Clockwork Orange
The Cube
The Shining (Kubrick)
Edward Scissors Hands
Being John Malkovich
Wheee.. the third time this thread has come up.

I love movies. I watch them as often as I can, several times if possible. I was a film student, so it's a pretty important thing to me. I watch for the beauty of a camera movement, subtleties in sound, editing technique, direction.. I try to analyze and enjoy all at the same time. Oh how I love my DVD player! :D :lol:

My list generally goes as follows (not necessarily in any real order)

Dancer in the Dark (musical w/Björk)
Das Boot (the longer the better)
David Fincher films (Se7en, The Game, Fight Club)
Kubrick (Full Metal Jacket, 2001, etc)
Scorcese films (Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, etc, etc, etc)
Bergman films (Hour of the Wolf, Persona)
David Lynch films (Elephant Man, Eraserhead, Lost Highway)
Jim Jarmusch films (Dead Man, Ghost Dog, etc)
Cronenberg films (eXistenz, Crash)
Peter Jackson films (Dead Alive, Heavenly Creatures)
The Pillow Book (Peter Greenaway)
Delicatessen (?)
Xiu Xiu The Sent-Down Girl (Joan Chen)
Zhang Yimou films (Red Sorghum, To Live)
Antonia's Line (?)
Chungking Express (Wong Kar-Wai)
Cohen Brothers films (The Big Lebowski, Fargo)
American Beauty (duh)
P.T. Anderson films (Magnolia, Boogie Nights)
Terry Gilliam films (12 Monkeys, The Fisher King)
Short Cuts (Robert Altman)

Other directors whose work I like and plan to see more of..

Federico Fellini (City of Women, Amarcord)
FW Murnau (can't find anything but Nosferatu)
Werner Herzog (also Nosferatu, Aguirra the Wrath of God)
Francis Ford Coppola (I need the time to sit down and really pay attention to the Godfathers)
...and many, many, many more.

NP: Cradle of Filth - Summer Dying Fast (okay remake of a great song. That final riff is soooo good ;))