Favorite Movie

Lord of the Rings will be I'm sure

Vampire Hunter D
Fist of the North Star (I would list all kinds of obscure anime, but I wont bore you)

The Shining
Space Odyssey 2001 (actually anything by Kubrick)

Battle Royale - seriously check that one out, it's japanese mayhem!

Star Wars
Duvall, you actually liked Ghost Dog :confused: , hmn im a bit confused there, i thought it was a bit patronising and dull, the whole i want to be chinese thing didn't work for me, but i can understand why you'd like it. hay and as no ones mentioned Kung Fu films yet im gonna list em:

Last Hero In China
Once Upon A Time In China 1, 2, 3, 4...
36 Chambers Of Shaolin
Deadly Venoms
The Mystery Of Chess Boxing

and well any that hasn't got guns and is from the 70's is usually good. guns spoil kung fu films!!! damn those guns!
_Transparent_: You do have a point. I really only name those films because they're exemplary of the director somehow. Some I like, others were only okay ;)

Note I didn't put Alien 3 for David Fincher's...

I should also mention that I used to be a huge fan of Star Wars.. those movies will probably stay with me the longest. :lol: