Favorite part of an Anthrax concert


Faeries Wear Boots
Jun 5, 2003
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Hey, all. There is a lot of negative stuff in some of these posts, so I am starting this one in an effort to lighten the mood.
I say Bah to the old man who wants to play on Korn and Linkin Park on his station, (he was probably 40 or 50 back in '88 anyway...and playing stuff the mainstream wanted to hear)
Bah to the people on other boards talking crap about 'Thrax.
My favorite part of an Anthrax concert is how John sweats ALL over the people in the front. Back me up on this one, Brat!! Also, my all time favorite is Ian STOMPING...and his skills on the guitar :hotjump: of course!!
What is your favorite part??
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Don't know if there is one particular thing that happens every show that stands out amongst the rest. The whole damn show is my favorite, from beginning to end. Songwise, I Am The Law, Inside Out, Fueled, What Doesn't Die, those would be the ones that I absolutely love. :headbang:
My Fav part is usually when Scott goes nuts and STOMPS!!!!.

ONe thing I noticed, and the reason I think Charlie is one of the best, if not the greatest drummer, is that he makes it look effortless. All these other drummers from Lars to the new guys in the new bands move their whole body like their going into convulsions during the set. Charlie on the other hand is a controlled ball of energy.
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I always dig the Blues Bros intro. Hearing slighty different arrangements to songs live rules too. I just remember hearing Charlie throw double bass into songs that may not have had it on the recordings. He just fucking kicks. slamming and banging your head rule too. Worst thing is being thrown out(twice) or having a show stopped(once) mid way thru. They kicked ass with Joey and more with John. Also, they usually tour with good bands which I don't need to mention all of because you would all find out that I'm old. Put it this way I saw John with Armored Saint with Mettalica in 1985 before I went to my first Anthrax gig in 1986. Talk about history this old bastard will rock your ass in the pit. Anthrax fucking rules.
well, in Cleveland, even Rob jumped up in the air and stomped at the beginning of a song...I've seen em 6 times in less than 2 years and that was the first I saw that LOL and Lone Justice, definatly was a highlight! I love What Doesn't Die, and Safe Home. Although I liked it when they played Safe Home more like the album version....in Toledo and Cleveland last week, they changed the intro and bridge.
The cool thing about Anthrax, they always look out in the crowd, look people straight in the eyes, and actually connect with their fans. That's really cool. Being at the front of the crowd, is ACTUALLY reminiscent of the album cover of WCFYA LOL
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My favorite part of an Anthrax concert is how John sweats ALL over the people in the front. Back me up on this one, Brat!! Also, my all time favorite is Ian STOMPING...and his skills on the guitar :hotjump: of course!!
What is your favorite part??[/QUOTE]
hehe - Ive had the privilage of being 'baptized' by John's sweat!:Spin: I was so close to the stage that at one point he was leaning over the crowd and I felt it drip on me. DAMN!!! lol I also love watching Frank scream and do his signature 'electric boogie' w/the bass. DOUBLE DAMN!!! that man sure can move!:loco: And of course Charlie -the greatest drummer of all time- is so amazing my all time fantasy is to stand right behind his drum riser during a show. I would think I died and went to heaven:D
and at this point I have to add - what would'nt make a 'Thrax show complete w/out Rob and Scott the dynamic duo. Rob is amazing to watch and Scott is funnier than hell! I love them all and they put on the most kickass show!