Favorite Software Synths?

black sugar

The Burninator
I want to start messing around with some synth sounds, but I have absolutely no idea where to start when it comes to software.

I'm looking for really gritty old skool analog sounds like a Moog Prodigy or Roland Juno (I've owned the hardware units and, like an idiot, sold them), some nice FM synth for textures, and maybe synth drums along those same lines -- gritty analog, cheesy FM synth.

I'm more interested in tweaking presets than building "amazingly unique and different" sounds from scratch.

So far, I'm aware of Arturia Moog Modular, ReFX Juno, NI FM... Are there any others you guys like? I have Powercore, but I'm not sure if I want to pony up $400 for Virus, since it's said to be somewhat unstable.

I'm not opposed to Reason or any of the more pricey NI stuff if it's really worth it, but I don't think I really need the suite stuff... Mainly looking for simple (and cheap?) VSTi's, as this is mostly for experimenting and trying new things for inspiration, not so much rocking the body that rocks the party.

Anyone have any experience with this stuff?
Analog synths that I love (in no particular order), check those out :
  • NI Absynth
  • NI Pro53
  • NI B4
  • Arturia MoogModular V
  • Arturia Arp2600 V
  • Arturia CS80 V
  • Korg Legacy
  • Superwave Performer
  • GMedia impOSCar
  • Linplug Albino
  • Novation V-Station
GMedia's Minimonsta is a great MiniMoog emulation; it does the standard Mini thing quite well, plus has polyphony, crazy morphing presets, and time-sync stuff, which allows for tones well beyond what's possible with the original. Many of the presets are programmed by Rick Wakeman, too... which is cool. It's well worth a test spin.
And if you want synthetic drums... I mean no samples, just pure f'ing synthesized goodness... you must demo MicroTonic.
My list of favorites:

- Anything that nuendo has to offer in the synth department..

- Absynth 1, 2, and 3.

- Imposcar.

- rob papen's "albino" and "blue".

Can't think of anything more i used lately.. but these are pretty cool.