Reaper Noob Questions - MIDI (beat programming, synths)

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
Hey! So I finally made the switch to Reaper yesterday and I have a few Q's about it. Just very general stuff.

First... How do you usually go about programming beats in Reaper? Do you use Reaper's midi interface? I mean... I know this is kinda silly, but I come from programming beats on GarageBand and the midi interface is definitely different... Do I just have to adapt do it or do you guys use something else to program your beats with velocity changes and whatnot? I'm using SSD + Kontakt, if that matters anything...

Also, are there any good synth sounds within reaper? Or would anyone please care to suggest some good free synth VSTi's that can be used within reaper, please? I mean just basic synth stuff... analog, that kinda stuff, and maybe some string stuff as well.

I'm not sure what exactly you are asking so I'll just tell you what I do/use:
As far as beat programming goes I generally use/make basic patterns and then just modify them as needed. Basic piano roll editing is all I do.
As far as vsti synths: I am endorsed by HG Fortune vsti so I swear by them. I also use Ugo, Krakli and the synths found on the Computer Music disks.
Thank you all for the replies!

I'm gonna check out those KVR plug-ins. Are there many available for Mac? :)

And yeah, hairy lesbian or not, I guess I'm gonna have to adapt. :lol:

Do you guys use like a midi keyboard or do you drag and drop the little notes here and there for the beats?
I use Guitar Pro as well, as I find it about 10x quicker.

Both methods are really not hard to get used to, but if you really don't wanna use the MIDI interface check out Guitar Pro.