Favourite actors

Kathy Burke, Gary Oldman, Tadanobu Asano, Kate Blanchett, Christopher Walken, Sir Ian Mckellen, Richard Pryor, Oliver Reed, Cillian Murphy, Christopher Eccleston..erm...
Su Jacko said:
Christopher Eccleston..erm...
class, have you seen much of his stuff? what was that film he did with Eddie Izzard and they set it in Liverpool. it was like an old Victorian play, using the original text. Little 13yr old scals in green and blue lacost trackies with golf clubs. was realistic enough,but some of the lead actors need tosort their accents out :erk:
Brad Pitt has been in some georgous movies, i agree he is a good actor. Most of me fave actors have been named before, so i have little to add.
blackeyed said:
The Revenger's Tragedy......thats the bastard. christ, i didnt realise he had done so much stuff...
I saw Revenger's at the FACT, I thought it was good. Derek Jacobi was in that too and he is also fantarta! Eccleston was great in Second Coming! John Hurt as well, he's also sound!
Cerulean said:
Sean Connery
Bruce Willis
Kevin Costner
Harrison Ford (sometimes)
Edward Norton
Jack Nicholson
Nicholas Cage

Nice Line-up!
I'd add Kevin Spacey, Jean Reno and Viggo Mortensen.