Favourite cartoons of you, metalheads !!

south park are bloody gr8... unfortunately the italian channel has stopped showing them time time ago... but thanks to youtube i can still watch some clips.... the most funny one was when there was Russell Crow starring... bloody great... and also when there was an episode on Butters' father... great one.... Happy Tree Friends is brutal therefore.... i like.... but i saw it only once...lol....
My all time favorite cartoon is South Park because the messages they tend to pass are great ones. they certainly aren't stupid hippies. (and its also very funny of course)
i also like Happy Tree Friends and the Simpsons.
My favorite cartoons are:

The Simpsons
King Of The Hill
American Dad
Family Guy
Sealab 2021
Frisky Dingo
Tom Goes To The Mayor
12 Oz. Mouse
Morel Orel
Robot Chicken
(I HATE Aqua Teen Hungerforce)


N.P. Butthole Surfers - They Came In
I've heard of and watch Metalocalypse, but only because I get the episodes through an American friend of mine. I don't think it actually runs on TV here.
Aaaww, yeah, I forgot about King of the Hill. Boomhauer is my hero.

I can't get Metalocalypse up here. Wish I could, cuz I'd probably like it. There just isn't too much on that I do like at the moment...
I watch a lot of cartoons. Things I'm watching now or interested in watching soon (mostly for nostalgic reasons) are . . .

Outlaw Star
Transformers; Beast Wars
Futurama (always)

Those are the only ones right now that I'd actually go out of my way to sit down and watch them. Other cartoons I just watch them whenever I catch them.
So nobody likes the classic Cartoon Network shows, like Cow And Chicken, Two Stupid Dogs, Johnny Bravo etc?