Favourite Solo


Thrash 'Til Death!!
Aug 7, 2005
Everyone say what your favourite Alex Skolnick solo(s) is.

For me it simply HAS to be SOULS OF BLACK. The solo in that song is imense, i love it, still can't get over how good it is!
A close second would to be The New Order solo, another classic from the shred machine.

If you suck at life and havn't heard this solo i recommend strongly that you give it a listen!


i dont think i could ever really choose a favorite especially after reading everyone elses choices each one fires up in my brain at the mention of their name,so i'm gonna say the solo on apocalyptic city although kinda short
There's a lot to list:
Return to Serenity
Electric Crown
Absence Of Light
Over the Wall
The Ritual
Envy Life
One Man's Fate
these were the first that came to my mind
yeap, the solo of souls of black is amasing but i like Return To serenety SOLO or maybe Legions In Hidding the solo is great too and Sins Of Omission but i think every testament SOLO is great!:headbang:
Dog faced gods and trail of tears are both awesome solo's,but those are james murphy not skolnick:)

yeah men you are right i was forgot that! hehe i put Legions In Hidding in my list of favourites solos of alex S. but that Solo is awsome, another great solo could be... Musical Death i think so... or Nigthmare(coming back to you) that solo is killer:kickass: :headbang:
Practice What You Preach is my fave Testament solo. He has so many great solos, they are all very interesting. A few more from the top of head are Over The Wall, First Strike is Deadly, Absence of Light, The Legacy, As The Seasons Grey (very overlooked gem), Agony, Troubled Dreams, Blessed in Contempt, oh and Hypnosis too. :)
OMG! I didn't read the first post, I'm sorry.. I though the thread is refered to any Testament album...

I go for Hypnosis and Musical Death

nice! i almost forgot about musical death,i would also like to throw in the very beggining of souls of black i love that intro,if souls ever gets remastered i hope they crank that up by the time you can really here it it's over!:headbang: