
Sep 11, 2002
Hartford, CT C-Town!
Sup Peeps its Mr. Milano's Webbasard reporting in from the road, about to get ready to head to the show, if your in the area come down it should be a good time, and buy me and drink I'm poor! ahhahaha

Seriously its going to be a great show! Alittle S.O.D. alittle M.O.D. its killer!

P.S. I will be filming my very own little documentary of this run and I will be posting it when I get back home. See what goes on behind closed doors! Don't tell Billy cause he'll kill me... on second thought... maybe I'll just posted and edited version.....

i was there. it was great. that is all.

Sup Peeps its Mr. Milano's Webbasard reporting in from the road, about to get ready to head to the show, if your in the area come down it should be a good time, and buy me and drink I'm poor! ahhahaha

Seriously its going to be a great show! Alittle S.O.D. alittle M.O.D. its killer!

P.S. I will be filming my very own little documentary of this run and I will be posting it when I get back home. See what goes on behind closed doors! Don't tell Billy cause he'll kill me... on second thought... maybe I'll just posted and edited version.....


You're just doing the second leg?
How was the turn out Sue? Clifton NJ was a great turn out...but that's like the hometown crowd.

truthfully, kinda weak. then again, shows around here rarely get a solid turnout on week nights.
what it lacked in number it made up for in enthusiasm, though.
not only that, we had
I had a lot of fun at the show (except for that annoying bastard, SPAM). I initially offered Billy $20 to pick him up, and toss his ass out of the show. By the end of the night, my offer went up to $60.

M.O.D. was awesome as always. It was great to hang out with Billy & Scott again. It was also nice to meet SueNC at the show.

I look forward to the new album, and hopefully see M.O.D. tour again.
Your show had Spam, ours had Nick and some guy who fell flat on his back and lost his boot in the mosh pit...he was looking for it all night.

i'll bet our Spam would cancel out your Nick and boot-guy.
he was WAY annoying! would NOT shut up!!
security grabbed him at one time and it looked like he was on his way out, but Billy told them not to toss him. i think he reconsidered when the bids started going up to toss Spam out on his butt. :lol:
I shoved Spam after he gave us a beer bath. I was being serious about the money to toss Spam. What an obnoxious, overzealous idiot that guy was last night. One guy told me after M.O.D.'s set, that he elbowed Spam in the head on purpose in the pit, I guess I should have bought that guy a beer.