Feared - Furor Incarnatus spam...

Hi, I like what I'm hearing, it sounds extremly impressive and on first listen there are some exellent riffs and melodies.

I think that supplying the Raw tracks in a 'Delux' version is an interesting move and I do wonder why bands don't do this. What's your thoughts on this? Do you think supplying raw tracks has a commercial future? I ask because, although I am not a fan - yet - it certainly is gonna push me to buy the delux version simply so I can have a go at mixing a whole project. I will get hours and hours of enjoyment from this when I do get it.
is this the same vocalist as in the remix track!?
i always thought the vocals kinda "sucked" a bit but this here sounds completely different to me...much better!
Hey Ola - did you play the leads on the album as well? Really digging the lead composition. Too many people focus these days on just shredding/being overly technical and not playing catchy musical leads.

Also wanted to bump this thread and say that this album f'kn rules and everyone should buy it (and the next one)! :rock:
Hey Ola - did you play the leads on the album as well? Really digging the lead composition. Too many people focus these days on just shredding/being overly technical and not playing catchy musical leads.

Also wanted to bump this thread and say that this album f'kn rules and everyone should buy it (and the next one)! :rock:

THanks man, yeah I play leads on all songs except Breathing Failure - Per Nilsson and Vintersol - Fred Brum

THanks man, yeah I play leads on all songs except Breathing Failure - Per Nilsson and Vintersol - Fred Brum


awesome work man, tone is great too! kevin talley is a great fit for you guys too...is he going to be on the next album as well? cant wait to hear that shit :kickass: