Feedback from the youngters


New Metal Member
May 20, 2011
Cheers! :)

As a old (and tired) bastard at the age of 40+ whos been listening to metal for ages from Zeppelin, Sabbath, Purple to Meshuggha, Ion Dissonance etc (and AA of course). And been on a couple concerts w/AA, and have all their albums,,,

In the great metal scheme of things, were to you rate AA?

Just want to know, not starting a flame war :)

Well, from another ”oldandtired” fan that has listened like you to metal since forever… :saint:
Today's metal scene seems to be a lot more developed, complex and abundant. There is simply so much talent out there these days that metal bands are popping out like mushrooms after the rain.
The whole metal industry is quite changed as well from the “old times” (1970s, 1980s). Today, more bands get a shot to a career then in the past. Is not because they are necessarily better then what we had back in the time, but because metal popularity has grown quite a bit compared to what we had before. Just look at the huge “tsunami” of Finnish bands that hits the “metal shores” these days! And this is great. :kickass:
The flipside to all this is that today I believe we have lots of deep underground bands in the subgenres (i.e. hardcore, black etc.) that quite honestly are not worth the noise they make.

I’ve been a huge Saxon, Krokus, Iron Maiden, Manowar, Queensrÿche, Judas Priest, Running Wild, Helloween, Overkill, Sodom, Death, Metallica, yeah even the French Sortilége fan back in the days but I have to admit: none of them pleased me musically the way AA does.

Where do I rate AA?
Well, in the MeloDeath they are absolutely NO.1. Only one other band –for me- gets close to AA’s representation of the true melodeath. And that band is Kalmah, my no.2.
The rest are great too, is just that they can’t inspire me or near a reciprocal chemistry with me the way AA does.
Im guessing I would qualify as a youngster. I love Viking Metal as a genre and Amon Amarth is at the front of the pack. They have great riffs and some of the most aggressive vocals in all of Viking Metal. However melodic vocals are also a key part of Viking Metal and Amon Amarth doesn't even try in that regard. I would rate Amon Amarth.