Feedback on these tones? I don't know if I'm doing this right.

Mar 10, 2012
Hey guys. So I've been recording for about 2 years, and in the time I've messed with various miking techniques. I've messed with placement, different mics, etc. I took most of what I know from a video that Ola made a while back about getting guitar tones, and that helped a lot.
However, I've never released a mix that has a live recorded guitar tone. I always tended to go straight to DI. I always get tones that I absolutely fall in love with, so I figured it was no big deal. I had a client come in recently, and he said he wanted mic'd guitars, instead of DI. So I agreed and we set up on a Fender Blues Deville. It was an okay amp, I messed with a few mic placements, messed with a couple tone knobs and this is what I got. This is a 5 minute mastered version of a segment of the track..
So rip it up. What am I doing wrong?
Sorry for originally putting this in the wrong place, the new names confused me.

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