Need opinion/feedback on these guitar tones.

Robert W

May 13, 2009
I've been working on a heavy rhythm tone and am sort of liking the way these two amps sound together. The problem is I have crappy speakers and a massive case of ear fatigue! Could someone please give these tone tests a listen and tell me what frequencies could use a boost or a cut.

FX chain for all three is basically the same. Each one was tweaked a little, has different cab IRs, and has been high/low passed (100/10K @ +6dB).

Again, any advice would be appreciated.
stereo widening on this?
its killing my brain

It's a 100% L/100% R between the two amps atm.

I was just trying to see if anyone could hear any blatantly annoying freqs.

Also, these aren't finished tones, although the amp/cab combos are the ones I'll be using though. Amp and effect settings still need to be optimized for each, but whatever.....
Actually, I had to have the tuning peg opened slightly to get the .075 in there.

So I take it then that there aren't any "spikey" sounding freqs on any of these? I wasn't hearing anything glaring, but then again, I have crappy speakers.