Feedback on this mix?


New Metal Member
Nov 7, 2013
Hey guys,
been working on a new song for my band.
I feel it's leaps and bounds over the previous things I've done as far is mixing is concerned. Would love some critique/feedback on the mix.

Same as always, guitars are HD500 -> UX2 -> DAW.
Bass is DI.
Drums are played by my drummer.
Vocals were recorded in my singer's basement with his motu.

Thanks and happy new year!
Sounds great, man! I'm still green as far as mixing goes, and I can't find anything glaringly off with this mix.

There are only a few things I would personally change to suit my own tastes. I think the bass is sitting a little too far towards the middle frequency range and I'd move it to the far left to accentuate/fatten the low end.

Was there a room mic for the drums? I'd bring it up. Mix doesn't sound 'organic' enough to me if that makes sense.

Finally, not sure if it's just me, but the choruses don't seem to be much more prominent than the verses, which creates a bit of a monotony throughout the song. Maybe turn up the guitars and cymbals a little during the choruses? Just a thought.

Good luck. I'm sure more experienced engineers could help you better than I could. :D

Also, I'd beef out the kick and the snare a bit more. Maybe boost the mids.

Finally, I'd increase the volume on the vocals.
Sounds like the vocals may have been recorded with an SM7b through a Crane Song Flamingo pre. Am I right?
Hi, thanks for the response.
Updated the track. This is going to be our final "demo" version of the song.

Getting the bass right is definitely still a big work in progress for me.
Same with vocals lol.
Did some changes to the vocals and they seem to sit better and you should hear a difference between the verses, chorus, bridges and ending.

I did bring the room mic and ambient mics up a good bit also on the drums.

I think the overall end mix is much cleaner and better sounding overall.