Feedback on website


arsehole know-it-all
Jan 1, 2008
Hey guys
I work for this company, I manage the online store, add content and talk to the customers.
It's a tiny company dealing with low-mid level home recording gear.

Please have a look at the website, let me know if there is something that looks wrong, can't find something, not emphasized enough etc.
I've been looking at this site for over 3 years and I'm really used to it, but would love feedback from someone who had never seen it before.


Quickfire thoughts:

-small, odd looking italic font in the "welcome to " section.

-the blue and red banners look cheap and messy.

-the "categories" down the side are a bit of a head-fuck. an in-consistent mix of ALL CAPS and Capitalised Words.

- the animated button roll-overs look daft.

I'm guessing this site was designed several years ago? :)
There are a lot of things you could do to improve SEO. For example, when looking at a product detail page, the URL has a query string with a product ID (eg. ?products_id=1244). Change this so it has the name of the product in the URL and in the page title. Then search engines will index your pages and increase the number of people that land on your site when searching for a product. Also, you could widen the page as most people are using higher resolution monitors than they were a few years ago.
I made a few small changes today.
I don't see a way to easily change product IDs to product name, I may have to manually do this for 1000 products. :( I'll keep looking into that.

Any other thoughts on this?

@theDriller The link in your sig has an extra .com