Website sections suggestions.....

Hi all! :)

I have been working hard to get the new and improved IMG site done, but I need your help.

I want to expand the website to include more content relevant to what we're doing. What I need are some suggestions about what new sections might be interesting or useful to add to the site?

So far I have:
  • Home (naturally)
  • About (which will include our history and a brief description of our goals)
  • Recording Process (a detailed explanation of how we make our recordings)
  • Songs (will have two sections, one for mp3s and one for streaming files)
  • Members (will include a list of everyone who's ever recorded with us, maybe including profiles)
  • Links (the usual links page but I'll redesign it as well)
  • Bulletin Board (a link to this BB)

Beyond this I am at a loss to think of original content we could include. A FAQ section would be a little redundant, a News section would be constantly behind because the BB is the most up to date place for info....

A Downloads section might be ok if I can think of some cool stuff to put on it.

Anyway, I thought I'd gather your thoughts on this. :)

Actually, I think a News page is a good idea. The BB is where we do our predominant amount of communicating between each other, but lets face it, its not all 'work' related, and not organized in anyway. I think the default page should be the news page (like most sites) and it should highlight major events that happened. It does not have to be updated frequently - I'm thinking more like a news bulletin for every karaoke release, every final release...and any other major highlights - new member joined - I dunno.. archive up and running - I think you get the idea. would constantly be behind for those of us who live and breathe it, but those who only stop by occasionally, or the new person who just found it would probably find it quite usefull. Heck, sometimes when we really get cooking, and a person is not able to access the board for a week or more, they get surprised by all they miss!
Hi Sapper,

Sorry about the broken link on the existing site, but I've been trying to devote my time to the all-new version which should be done pretty soon. I think it'll look much better. It's a departure from what's there now, and I hope you guys will like it. Hopefully, it'll be relatively bug-free once it's near done! ;)


P.S. Are you involved with any new songs on here yet? And, how's that new band you mentioned awhile back going?
Originally posted by rabies
Something newer than whats already up there? I am referring to:

Yea rabs. I kinda abandoned that direction in mid-stream and just left it as-is until the newest version is done. I haven't mentioned it yet because I wanted to wait until it was very close to being done. I have a bad habit of saying, "almost done" for weeks on end, ya know! ;) Anyway, I wasn't really sure if I could get it somewhat finished and uploaded before I move (I'm still not sure), so I've been keeping it under my hat, so to speak. :)

I have been very pleased with it so far, and I'm looking forward to presenting it to you guys for your opinions. I've done most of the graphics myself this time. :) Maybe I'll post a "sneak preview" version tomorrow to see what you think.

G'Night! :)
Adde: Thanks! :)

Rabs: I agree. I'm still not too sure just how the banners are gonna screw with the frames I'm using. I may look into buying our webspace somewhere. It wouldn't cost too much if I can keep the song files in other places. I am thinking of using lightnin's space for songs, as well as Virus's archives, and maybe even using a MyPlay account as well. Maybe use one as the main storage, and the others as "mirror" sites. I'm still not sure how to work it out, but I know I want off of FortuneCity. I wish I could think of a way to make the site pay just enough to cover hosting fees, but I can't imagine how that's possible. I am still trying to see what gear I might be able to get out of the University. Hmmm.....:confused:

I think I'm gonna remove my homepage from the site where I have it now... I have 30-50 mb free webspace there, completely ads-free. Maybe I could work something out with my friend who owns the server, so we can put the IMG website there? If he agrees, we may be able to get more than 30-50 mb if needed. But I'm not sure how long he's going to keep the server online...

He's coming back from a 3-month trip to asia tomorrow, so I'll ask him then. ;)