Anyone need a website built?

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Anyone need a website done?

I'm currently in school for computer science but I ultimately want to be a full stack web developer. I need to build a portfolio so I can get a job within the industry and I figure what better place to start than here. So, I'm looking for someone who needs a website built. Here is a list of requirements to be eligible

- You must have a good image/branding. High quality images of your studio, logo etc.

-You must know what they want for a site. Why do you want a site? What are your goals for the site? Do you want something minimalistic or design heavy? What features do you want on your site?

-You have to be patient, building a website doesn't happen overnight, especially one that works across all browsers and devices

If I do your site, it will be fully responsive, it will have a high quality sound player and I want to include a backend as well for clients to log into for files/demos.

If you're interested, contact me by email at Please include images of your studio, your goals and some examples of your audio work. I'll be doing this freelance and will not require payment, although that can be setup or we can exchange services if wanted.

Thanks for your time! I hope this post isn't against the rules