In fact I think my skin is overriding, because the button still appears. Anyway I just cleaned 2000 robot accounts![]()
I'm also going to do this but have another question for you guys.
Can anybody recommend me a domain host? Because there's a lot of them out there
Is it the one from your sig ? Just for info, I had a look, and on Safari on MacOs Yosemite, it's super buggy. Like shakky and it doesn't display the website well
I honestly recommend wordpress or joomla for this kind of needs.
You need to dig a bit into joomla, but once you get it, it's actually as simple as setting up your menu, modules and when/where they appear, and writing articles in different categories (for example i use a category for the main website content, a category for "blog" and a category for everything else). I imagine Wordpress is pretty similar.
So I'm trying to make a new website for my recording business. I've tried Wordpress, but I found it a little difficult to get what I want out of it. I'm looking for something easy to work with and maybe run a blog out of in the future.
What are you guys using for your websites? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Yeah, many people struggle to build a successful online business with WordPress. They keep adding plugins and other features hoping it will solve their problem. Yet Wordpress "as is" won't build an online business.
Despite the dazzling display of Wordpress features, the reality for most (non-tech) people who want to create a web business with Wordpress is that they need to adhere to an easy-to-follow, all-in-one, proven, ethical webbusiness-building system (not a get rich quick scheme) to get (1) a significant amount of traffic and get (2) targeted traffic (example of such a system: WealthPrinciples dot net). Otherwise you'll end up having (and building) only a WordPress webSITE but not a webBUSINESS.
The absolute easiest way to get a professional looking site is....
Hire someone else to do it.
I outsourced my entire Wordpress blog design and development on Odesk ( Eastern Europeans on Odesk speak solid english, work for relatively cheap, and do a great job on web design and development. The site is in my signature if you want to see what a fully outsourced custom website looks like.
I literally did nothing other than search for what I thought would be a good designer and developer.
^ Your site looks really good, mind sharing an approximate cost?
Can you be in control of some design changes on your own afterwards, or do you pay them to do that as well?
So, I'm thinking about giving Wordpress a try- Google Sites' visuals are just atrocious haha
Do you guys -using Wordpress- pay for anything other than the basic (free) version? Is it a bad idea to buy the domain through them?