feeling generous ;)- another snare for you


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Some might like it, some not....anyway, here's another set of samples of my sd6455 with a powerstoke 3 (as used on the Incubator-stuff...slightly different processing though)

there are "soft", "medium", "medium-hard", "hard" and "crack"-hits

sd6455 ps3

for those who have a slow internet-connection and wanna preview first here is a short mp3 sample so you know whether you like it or not before you block your precious bandwidth ;)


feel free to use it, but give credit if you do use it and please don't spread it, this is for sneapsters only ;)

Samples kann man nie genuch haben (vor allem die die gut klingen)!!!!

@Gävin: You mean Leberwurst or Weißwurst? Maybe Teewurst or Schinkenwurst!!! You should listen to Helge Schneider he wrote a song about Wurst!

Samples kann man nie genuch haben (vor allem die die gut klingen)!!!!

As a current student of German (with a really really hot teacher, I might add), I'm trying out my skillz - I assume the first part is "One can never have too many samples," but I don't get the second part...

In exchange, I'm gonna start a new thread with pics of my hot teacher - stay tuned :heh:
As a current student of German (with a really really hot teacher, I might add), I'm trying out my skillz - I assume the first part is "One can never have too many samples," but I don't get the second part...

They talk a little german slang here ;)

genuch = genug = enough

"You can never have enough good sounding samples"
something like that. Hot teachers for the win!

will check out that snare now!