Feinstein - 70's heavy metal that rocks my socks


Child of the Damned
Jan 25, 2002
David Feinstein is the cousin of Dio (!) + the former The Rods guitarist, and he's back! (he even played with Ronnie 40 years ago lol)

Third Wish is a great cd full of hooks and catchy songs, in the vein of old Rainbow, Whitesnake, Dio, even Riot 90's era, a bit simpler and "groovier" (?) in the rythm department though.
Superb first class vocals courtesy of John West (Artension, Royal Hunt) who gives his best here!
70's flavoured Heavy Metal the way I like it :loco:

Not heavy as hell by any means but you can't escape these melodies :)


Sound samples :


Cool! Nice to see David F. back doing something, the Rods were a killer rock band.

I need to hear the rest of the album but I'm not really liking the mp3 clips.... too power metal sounding. I'd reather hear him play some good old hard rock, we have enough power metal bands.
Greeno said:
Cool! Nice to see David F. back doing something, the Rods were a killer rock band.

I need to hear the rest of the album but I'm not really liking the mp3 clips.... too power metal sounding. I'd reather hear him play some good old hard rock, we have enough power metal bands.
power metal? :confused:

uuuhhhh... it's plain hard rock with simple riffs and catchy vox.
Maybe that's because of the production then. But the songwriting is definitely 70's hard rock - heavy metal.
Fangface said:
power metal? :confused:

uuuhhhh... it's plain hard rock with simple riffs and catchy vox.
Maybe that's because of the production then. But the songwriting is definitely 70's hard rock - heavy metal.

Just listened again..... you know what it is?... It's the drums, the continuous double bass that makes me think power metal, I guess. I don't hear too much hard rock in it, sounds more like modern metal to me. It's hard to tell anyway with just 15 second clips.
I haven't heard those sound samples so I can't tell but you're right, 15 secs suck. They're maybe not well selected, dunno...

Because the double bass is not all over the place as far as I remember, otherwise I probably would have disliked it. I think the first song have some indeed, I'm not sure about the rest though.

Anyway, german metalheads love it already :D

FEINSTEIN’s new Third Wish album has landed on the German DJ Metal/Rock charts at #19 in it’s first week of release.
Didnt John West Join Flotsam and Jetsam for a short time? or was that someone else? hmmm anyway those clips are Great! but they are awful too because they are to short! I could totally get into this band :D
JonnyD said:
Didnt John West Join Flotsam and Jetsam for a short time? or was that someone else?
I think you mix up with James Rivera (Helstar) :)

Glad you're going to check this out, I thought it could appeal to all of you old school freaks ;)
Damn, I didn't realize it's not out in the US yet, bloody separate release dates :erk:

FEINSTEIN, the new band featuring former THE RODS frontman/ELF guitarist David "Rock" Feinstein and ROYAL HUNT singer John West, have set a June 8 U.S. release date for their debut album, "Third Wish".

FEINSTEIN's current lineup is completed by Bob Twining (keyboards), Jeff Howell (bass) and Nate Horton (drums)