Fejd - Storm

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Fejd – Storm
Napalm Records - 2009
By Adam McAuley


This is a very unique sounding album that has a lot of folk influences and interesting instrumentation. It’s hard to actually classify the outfit as purely metal, though they have enough presence to bring about a fulfilling feeling towards the listener. There are certainly some similarities to be found between Fejd and Korpiklaani and fans of adding diversity to their usual metal platter should find a lot to enjoy here. I find this band’s music slightly more entrancing than that of Korpiklaani even, which is a big compliment as I enjoy them as well.

Of course one will find a strong passion to perform present that elevates the music above what you might hope for from a metal disc. The track “Alvorna Dansar” has enough emotion to carry you through to some fairly exciting places musically and the rest of what’s to be found follows up pretty nicely. You won’t find yourself bored for a second with the material. It makes you feel uplifted which is a trait I wouldn’t mind finding in more of the music I listen to. The outfit pulls you into every single note that’s performed and this gives you a greater appreciation for the band as a whole.

All facets of the musical performances bring you in for a wild ride, even if you find it slightly distracting to listen to non-English vocals. Those of Patrik Rimmerfors fall into place with the remainder of what’s going on. Storm is an enchanting listen from beginning to end and the amount of variety displayed brings the quality of the album up to even further degrees.

Official Fejd Website
Official Fejd My Space
Official Napalm Records Website