Female vox metal band ;)

Aug 5, 2008

I am mixing this song at the moment, do you have any ideas what should/could I improve


I am still struggling with the bass guitar, I had no DI track just the amp and it was fucked up quite well - ugly and boxy sound had to crank the highs and upper mids on the console almost all the way up to get something above 1k.

any suggestions welcome, the track is unmastered with just some FG-X for levelling.
Mix sounds good, maybe vocals stick out a little. Didn't think much of the writing, especially the way the vocals fit into the picture.
Maybe you should tune a few notes on the vocals?

Some of the sour notes kind of "belongs" there, like in a warren dane way, but some of them were bothering me..

Also the drums had a little to much of a "plastic attack" of my taste.

Other than that, both the song and mix was really cool!
i agree with the plastic on the drums, and the melodyne on vocals.

also you should also benefit from limiting on the vocals too. because you can hear when the girl gets away from the mic (like on the beginning of the song)

Yup, vocals need some natural sounding pitch correction on the chorus and some control on the dynamics. Other than that sounds great. Otep influences?
I had the band re-record the bass on this song. I have the bass DI with the other ones and today I mixed another 2 songs and they sound 100times better because I was able to dial in a normal bass tone from the DI track.

I'll send a sample from another song tomorrow, I have reworked quite a lot in the mixes, it's starting to sound really cool.

sample tomorow ;)

and thanks guys for all the comments.
