FEN news


May 10, 2002
imola - italy
from myspace/FEN:

"Fen are proud to announce that they have recently inked a deal with Italy's Code666 records to release the next three Fen full-length albums. We are honoured to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with artists such as Negura Bunget and are excited at the potential that this opportunity presents for both band and label. We are currently putting the finishing touches to the material to be included on the first opus and work will begin on the recording process early in 2008. The new material is a considerable progression from the previously-released Fen material and develops even further the post-rock/ambient elements of the band's sound whilst retaining the reflective, sorrow-laden metal fury for which we are known.
In other news, our contribution to the Toteninsel compilation has now been titled 'Towards the Shores of the End' and a completed version should be recorded by the start of the new year. A vinyl version of 'Ancient Sorrow' is also scheduled for release on Northern Silence Productions in early 2008 – boasting some exclusive new artwork, this will be a special release indeed"
Well done.

Ancient Sorrow is an interesting release -- "The Gales Scream of Loss" being the notable standout -- so it will be interesting to see how they might sound with a slightly cleaner/tighter production. Although it's difficult to speculate now considering...

...the new material is a considerable progression from the previously-released Fen material and develops even further the post-rock/ambient elements of the band's sound whilst retaining the reflective, sorrow-laden metal fury for which we are known....

...making it sound like they're heading into Agalloch "Ashes" territory?
sure :)

"...we've been making good progress really. The songs for the album are finished and we're just fine-tuning them in the rehearsal room with a view to start recording end-April (you may have heard the rehearsal track we uploaded to Myspace). We've got over an hour's worth of material..."