What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Every time I play a geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetar and think it's cool, I'm presented with a Fender Stratocaster that just completely annihilates it, even the cheap ones.

Seriously. BEST. GUITAR. EVAR.
hahahaha therefore, he is cool. :loco:

Played my first Strat in years tonight and all I could think was GOD DAMN THESE GUITARS ARE AMAZING.
Mustangs, Jaguars, and Jagstangs are highly sought after by the Fender community, for good reason. Mustangs are funny though, smaller scale and sort of weird tone compared to other guitars. My guitarist and singer both have Jaguars, they never miss an opportunity to praise them.

I played a '78 Jazz bass a few weeks ago and completely fell in love. Fenders can be such remarkable instruments, they contain much magic.
Strats, and any Fender guitar, are cool . . . if you are unoriginal and like a generic guitar sound.

I like to be original, and I like a unique guitar sound. Therefore, I play Carvin . . . custom made guitars that blow away Strats.
I have two Fender Strats - both Mexican made, but I ripped out the pickups and threw in stacked humbuckers.

Now I'm ready to unleash my fookin' fury!!!!

In my guitar collection:

Washburn > Fender > Jackson