Fenrisulf's joke thread

Fenrisúlfr;9732434 said:
I will start:

Johan Hegg got drunk and pissed the river. The next day, the fish had hangovers.

That's why some people like fishing.

Olavi leaves AA in order to make a career as a broker at the Nordic-Baltic stock exchange.
At the doctor's office sits 2 pregnant couples.
Doctor to the 1st - Morning. Who was ontop?
Couple - The man.
Doctor - You are going to have a baby boy.

Doctor to the 2nd couple - Morning. Who was ontop?
Couple 2 - The woman.
Doctor - You are going to have a baby girl.

They suddenly hear a woman sobbing and turn to see a blonde sitting in the corner.

Why are you crying?, they ask the blonde.

Blonde - Because I dont want a puppy...