Fernandes Ravelle Deluxe Baritone Birthday Jam


Mar 6, 2007
So I picked up a new axe for my birthday and was keen to have a go at writing something.
This is what I came up with. The edits are rough in spots and there is minimal automation.
Guitar chain:
Ravelle > podxt pro > emu 0404 pci > L/R 100% double track hp/lp 60hz/7.3khz

Bass is the Ravelle ran clean through the podxt pro for a boost/compression and then pitch shifted.

Drums are AD starter preset tweaked to taste.

hp/lp 20hz/20khz, a minor cut at 200hz and boost at 6k + limiter on master bus.

All comments, criticisms, suggestions or anything else you have to offer are welcome. Thanks for checking this out :headbang:
cool looking guitar i was gasing for this 2 years ago but i got a gibson v.....sounds good man!
I've always thought Vs look cool, but I've never liked the way they feel when playing. Were you gasing for a Ravelle in general or did you mean the baritone?
Thanks, by the way, for checking this out :headbang: I'm glad you dig it.
Good tone, that guitar is extremely sexy and i totally want one now, in kinda not happy with sevenstrings at the moment.Sixers are so confortable.
Thanks, dude. At first I had mixed feelings about the tone but the more I listened and stopped judging, the sludginess grew on me (is that a word? :lol:) The guitar definitely is a sexy beast. I haven't really played much on 7 string guitars but I can imagine the extra low string getting in the way, for me. I just prefer 6 strings to rock out with.
I've always thought Vs look cool, but I've never liked the way they feel when playing. Were you gasing for a Ravelle in general or did you mean the baritone?
Thanks, by the way, for checking this out :headbang: I'm glad you dig it.

i was gasing for a Ravelle in general, really hot lookin guitar maybe i'll get one in the future:lol: