"FF" or "AA" on shirt?

Something abut .... if you want something done correctly, ask someone from Munich??? :waah: German is one of the things I have taken up and given up on a regular basis...

On the randomness front, I have just painted the bathroom door. Watching it dry and getting high on the fumes. :hypno: I lead an exciting life, me.

Haha.. you got the most important part of it right. The rest is pretty much inane blather.

Oh, would you mind if i join you in watching the paint dry? It's far more exciting than what i've got going on at the moment i assure you.;)

Haha.. you got the most important part of it right. The rest is pretty much inane blather.

Oh, would you mind if i join you in watching the paint dry? It's far more exciting than what i've got going on at the moment i assure you.;)

:):)Be my guest... and feel free to add the other coat of paint yourself as I am a walking petri dish full of cold viruses today.:ill: I have been working with kids and forcing my voice all year, and not as much as a runny nose, I go on holiday and get the mother of all colds...

Sorry, I needed to rant...
Dude, then I have the most exciting life, ever
Cuz I am at work, playing on the boards (Ya I know it's a hard job but someone's gotta do it!)
Let me think.
Petri dishes full if viruses.

Hey!! You should fusion those!!


The result cannot be worse than what I had on my first school placement. I was trying to teach the kind of Scottish young person that some email that has been forwarded a lot described as "Failed medical experiment"
:waah: My über bitchiness failed to scare them.

Suppose there is a first time for everything. Works a treat with everyone else.