FF VII remake announced (go on... Get excited)


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Sony officially announced FF VII getting a remake with a flash teaser trailer to go with it. Now, while I loved the SHT out of that game... I feel like I don't care at this point too much. Not to the point of going out to get a PS4 for it (especially knowing it won't be exclusive). That said, it seems the Internet has lost its collective shit about this.

What about you guys? Any old timer FF fans getting pumped?

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I love FF7, even bought the 4 CD soundtrack..
Not sure how I feel about a gritty remake of it..
Some things were just cute and fun as they were with blocky characters; not sure it'll translate well to a more "realistic" style..
Got me all wet as well. This is my favorite game ever, and I have been dreaming of a remake for a decade. I couldn't believe they announced it out of the blue !

I hope they are well aware they are playing on dangerous ground : they cannot fail on this one ! If they make it FFXIII-style, i will be very very disappointed, and probably millions of people as well. I'd rather have them enhance the game (a whole lot so it's not too close to the original) than remake it into a linear boring story with action scenes like the crappy movie they made !
Anyone remembers the very first tech demo of a remade FFVII ? I was literally excited, until they revealed this was a tech demo for the movie ! Since this day I decided my response to any FFVII remake rumor would be "please, Square/Enix, don't screw us again !"
Square probably isn't doing too well finacially, according to their previous statements about how they wouldn't make VII-remake until they've created a new Final Fantasy game that's better than VII, I guess they need some quick cash and this is probably the best way to achieve that, but for the sake of their lives this is better to be loyal to the original game or there is going to be a LOTS of angry fans, me included, because VII is one of the best games ever released (among with the VI and XI).

They have pretty much caught everyones interest now, though mine is at the moment caught in the FF X that arrived to my mail box yesterday, my PS2 isn't gonna rest for a while probably... :lol:
I haven't been this interested in a Square Enix product since FFX - and that game didn't wow me like the PS1 games did. Hated 12 and 13, not into any of the MMO games. I'm interested in seeing FFXV get showcased during SE's conference today.
I'm stocked they are finally releasing it on iOs as well. I have been waiting on this one since they started releasing them from the 1st to the 6th recently.
I'll grab it on my PC (chances are high that it will come I think), but I mean, it's a CG trailer that doesn't even give a release date/time frame. If it's indeed a remake they could change a lot. I've heard speculation of action RPG instead of turn based, no random battles, that kind of thing. Maybe "modernize" the game?
A lot of news articles state "20th Anniversary", which would put its release around Fall 2017. I don't see them changing it from turn-based to an action RPG style, maybe they'll go the route of Crisis Core. But, with how rabid the fanbase is about it, I can't see them doing that.
I'm stocked they are finally releasing it on iOs as well. I have been waiting on this one since they started releasing them from the 1st to the 6th recently.

that is why i don buy iphones, i've been playing ff7 and other classics ages ago in android

regarding the REMAKE i don't mind it if they change it to action style rpg and i'm probably alone in this but i'd prefer them to remake it not 100% like the original, change things, i already know the original inside out, it'd be lame if they leave the same tricks and exploits. think kinda like the black mesa remake, it's not 100% like the original but it didn't lose the charm of the original

the video says at the end "play it first on ps4". probably hinting that it will come out on other platforms later
I wish it stays old school, hell, I prefer replaying FFVI on emulators than pretty much all the new stuff that comes out.
I've never played a FF game, but I might pick this up. I need more games for my PS4. I want to pick up the new Batman game next week too.