FFaF Songs! First Post! Need Honest Critiques!


FFaF Guitarist/Producer
Oct 2, 2009
Washington DC
Abuse of exclamation marks!

Hey everyone,

First-time poster, but some of you may already be familiar with my music already. I'm currently working on releasing my CD "The Sky And The Fall" and I'd like some brutally honest critiques of my mixing and/or tips because I'm always trying to do better and it seems like you guys give good advice. I'm not looking for "I hate this style of music" (whic I don't think you will hehe), I'm just talking from a pure production standpoint. Anything you guys can add, by all means let me know.

You can find my music at http://www.myspace.com/friendforafoe2 or http://www.soundclick.com/friendforafoe

I know a lot of the songs say "CD Master" but they are far from final haha ... hope you guys can help!

digging it man, very very periphry sounding, like it though, thank for hitting me up on myspace about working with you, i'd be totally down
It's funny you say that about Periphery cuz I've known Misha for a few years now and am pretty good buddies with their ex-guitarist Tony Mars (may be starting up a project with him once I get back to DC from the Middle East in DEC actually).

The Bad: We have the same influences, a love for djent and chugga chugga, play 7 and 8-string guitars, and strive to become better producers so there's BOUND to be comparisons lol

The Good: Misha and the gang are phenomenal so the comparisons aren't a bad thing haha

Dude of course! I mean I sort of spammed that email looking for options for additional ears for my LP so my options are still open. I'm torn between a couple of you guys because you all have some amazing production skills which is why I joined this forum ... to learn and get better!

FFaF will be a full-time project once I get home so be on the lookout for more tuneage and full line-up soon!
Hey dude.. i'm "new" here (posts wise) :]

I've been listening to your stuff on soundclick, and I'm really really in a musical high right now.. Your stuff blows me away!!

Your playing is as consistant as I would wish I was.. super tight.. (you should hear my double tracking >_< ) So I'm really amazed how tight you do it..

Your productions are awesome aswell. Everything sits well together and is pronounced perfectly on my cans and my monitors..

Dont know if you can use my newbie arse praise to you in anyway.
But really had to write something.. You deserve it..

I'll listen to it again when my ears aren't influensed by my sudden love for your tracks..

Ohh and been trying for some days to get "falling apart" on soundclick to work.. But it's still a no go..

what left to say?

Keep going, I'd be buying the cd for sure..

ohh an excuse my english.. I'm Danish..

horns up!! \ m /
Sounds great. I hear no significant problems at all and I like the production. Well, hard to judge from myspace stream, but on the other hand if it sounds good on myspace, than it will probably sound good on every iPod ;-)

and of course great music...
Dude I just thought I'd post here cuz I found your stuff off your post on the recabinet site a while back and absolutely love your two songs with greg pope on vocals. Reunion and repeat are such killer fucking songs. Production is really good too. The vocals sit so well too and are very clear. What was the vocal chain? Your pod tone is pretty sweet too, although everyone will compare it to the periphery djent sound. As you said not a bad thing. You should see about getting someone on the forum to do a reamp of your di's though if you have them because I think that would really step up the rythmn guitars. Your clean sound with the reverse delay is sick though so don't mess with it. Anyways just thought I'd tell you I dig the sound.

Wow thanks guys! I'm always a bit nervous when posting to a new site, because each has a different crowd that listens to very different types of music. Honestly, when it comes to production, I have no idea what I'm doing for the most part lol.

I know the basics and the theory, but everything else is by ear which is why I'll be taking production classes at Berklee during winter term (not to listen to what other people tell me what should sound good, but to just build up my knowledge ... plus the Navy pays for it and college looks great on my evals haha). I don't even have monitors! I use my Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pros (@ 80 ohms) for tracking and mixing purposes. I have a Bose speaker system for my desktop that I use as a reference guide. It has a pretty dynamic sound so if something sounds off on one of my songs, I'll fix it. That and I'll rip mixed mp3s to my ipod, listen through that with shitty earbuds, then plug it into my surround sound system, THEN plug it into my car ... if it sounds good, then I'm happy. My ears are my best judge I suppose ... I still use EQ reference guides and spectrum analyzers to see how things are EQed by other bands to work it into my stuff sometimes. It's usually just trial and error for me!

These are the chains I use for the majority of my songs (all tracked through my Presonus Firebox):

Guitars: Main guitars are usually just dual-tracked (occasionally I'll add a third center track in some parts to give more oomph in breakdowns) ... POD X3L (custom Big Bottom and Chunk Chunk dual tone, both with cab simulation and room reflections off) > Voxengo Boogex (with ReCabinet impulses loaded in) > Classic Compressor (dunno the brand name, but it was a free plugin that has become one of my favorites because it's pretty damn diverse) > Voxengo Curve EQ. For for most leads, melody, and ambient tones, I just use the POD X3L and different tones and usually just EQ and add some compression for those. That clean reverse sound (as well as the reverse guitar volume swells) are becoming my signature thing it seems lol. I'm still trying to figure out what everybody means by sending processed and DI tracks off for studio use ... I just track through my PODX3 so I don't really DI my guitars. I guess when I send off my stuff to a studio for further mixing for my CD, I'm just going to have to rerecord the guitars completely clean I take it?

Bass: DI'ed through my POD X3L > Ampeg SVX > Waves SSL Channel > Classic Compressor > Voxengo Curve EQ > and then I use an EQ pass at 50hz and on everything past 6500khz

Vocals: As far as the vocal chain, I couldn't tell you for each song lmao. I know I was using different plugins for different songs because the vocalists would use different equipment and different mics and send me the vocal files as high-res mp3s that i'd convert to a wave file, but the chain is usually (i think) majority consist of using Melodyne > Voxengo Curve EQ > Classic Compressor > Waves DeEsser > Waves SSL Channel > Waves RComp > Voxengo Tube to warm up the vocals and give a bit of grit > Waves DeEsser (to cut any more harsh sounds) > Voxengo Curve EQ (as final EQ curve to find the post-processed vocals sweet spot).

Drums: Everything is mixed using Superior Drummer 2.0 (w/the Metal Foundry upgrade) so I don't use any added plugins believe it or not. It took me a long time to craft my kit sound!

Again, thanks for listening and giving feedback. I'm still sending my stuff for the CD to a studio for mixing, production, and mastering because I want it to sound as best as possible and I can't quite get it at the quality I'm looking for just yet. Hopefully by the time my next CD is ready I won't need to send it off for further production!