Ffs, hai.


I don't have long hair.
Apr 14, 2005
The Netherlands.
Hey. I joined a year ago, but I never posted, or made a decent introduction.
But I will from now on! :p

My name is Jeroen, but I hate that name, so most people just call me Jerreh.
I'm 15 years old, I live in the Netherlands, and I'm gay. Don't flame me.. o.o

My hobbies are drawing, graffiti, death metal and flaming christians.
My favorite bands are Bloodbath, Daylight Dies and Opeth.

See you!
Jerreh said:
My hobbies are drawing, graffiti, death metal and flaming christians.
My favorite bands are Bloodbath, Daylight Dies and Opeth.

Nice :cool:

Welcome to the funny farm . Enjoy your stay :p