Fielding finally loses the plot

LOL yeah he sure is one crazy mutha fucka almost as crazy as the South Australian Attorney General
While I don't necessarily think it has an impact of headline news noteworthiness, I wouldn't dismiss it as 'bullshit' either. Quite to the contrary, I would think this is something which should be commended - Family First members thinking outside the square and delivering a quantifiable statement with subjective morality not constituting the core of their argument for a change.
You mean he's using statistics to back up a moral argument? That is unusual, I agree. But suggesting people just "stay married" is over-simplifying. I'm sure there's a lot of people who get divorced for stupid reasons, but most divorces have irreconcilible causes. Telling people in a failed relationship that they should just stay married is like telling a rape victim she should just have the baby.
I don't think he'd like this, but if he wants to save the planet, he should tell people to STOP HAVING FAMILIES. It's people full stop who are killing the world, not just those who are living independently. No people = good environment.
You mean he's using statistics to back up a moral argument? That is unusual, I agree. But suggesting people just "stay married" is over-simplifying. I'm sure there's a lot of people who get divorced for stupid reasons, but most divorces have irreconcilible causes. Telling people in a failed relationship that they should just stay married is like telling a rape victim she should just have the baby.

Yes I can relate to your first point in particular GORE, very much so ...
Then again Gore, a family of 18 under one roof would be more efficent than 3 of 6, or 6 of 3. He is essentially taking this somewhere it doesn't need to go. Divorce would influence a small amount of the living choices we all make.
You mean he's using statistics to back up a moral argument? That is unusual, I agree. But suggesting people just "stay married" is over-simplifying.
From that article I didn't see him saying that people should stay married to fix global warming. He simply suggests that the lifestyle and behavioral attributes of two married persons living as individuals as opposed to as a couple increases their contribution. Yes, it's a simplistic view but it's - to my thinking at least - still accurate in its simplicity. It's not revolutionary vision by any means but it's hardly a proverbial last straw to use as grounds for writing him off as a mad-man.
I don't think he'd like this, but if he wants to save the planet, he should tell people to STOP HAVING FAMILIES. It's people full stop who are killing the world, not just those who are living independently. No people = good environment.
Amen. Especially in Africa etc.
If you can't even feed yourselves, why have kids?
If you have the energy to fuck, surely you have the energy to pull out.
This is a tangent but I think one of the solutions to poverty in Africa is to introduce them to the facial cum shot.
Once they get the hang of that there'll be less babies, less people to divide the limited food supplies between, and the whole problem will gradually manage itself. PLUS they still get to fuck (which, if their population is anything to go by, they still manage to find the energy to do pretty damn often).