fighting the Übercab

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I'm LOVING this cab, it sounds massive in the room, really nice mids, very chunky and sizzly.
rather difficult to capture the same sound on tape though....
the problem is that you start micing two different speakers and then start blending them...the t75 a bit louder than the v30 sounds does it with the v30 a bit louder than the t75...COMPLETELY different from each other though.
so just with the two speakers this fucker is extremely versatile...

now I've mic'd it with an sm57 on the v30 and an AT250 (dual element) on the t75---that makes three tracks/sounds to fanny about with...
=millions of combinations from really old school to really modern, from boomy to fizzy, from scooped to honky and everything in between.
most of the sounds are great though....
and with this mic setup I've finally managed to capture the midrange it has in the room...I think this cab really has best of both worlds and definitely a sound that I haven't heard a million times before=me likey

I was going for a rather mid-heavy tone on purpose, so don't complain if it's not scooped enough for you ;)

Übercab triplemic'd

again no post EQ of course
It's very thick and beefy. Exactly what I like, as opposed to the overly scooped stuff. Definitely has a lot of potential. Though, that particular DI "Rose Of Sharyn" is starting to become the next "Marcus-Holy Diver". :lol:
I found with my Uber that I always have to blend, or else I don't like the tone too much. I favor the 57 on the V30 and the 421 on the T75. I also noticed, that for some reason with this cab, it only likes a certain position in my room. If I don't have the cab in that spot, it sounds nasally no matter what I do. Yeah all cabs react to where they are in a room, but this one just is a pain. I'd really like to know why that is.
The one has some of the same vibes as the original studio recording.
A thick, fairly dark sound that is perhaps a bit too lower mid heavy.
Core mids are a bit overbearing and as it is, rob the mix of some breathing space, and certainly would further rob some space from a mix with vocals. Obviously mids are important to a guitar too, but there is a point where it's just too much.
I also noticed, that for some reason with this cab, it only likes a certain position in my room. If I don't have the cab in that spot, it sounds nasally no matter what I do. Yeah all cabs react to where they are in a room, but this one just is a pain. I'd really like to know why that is.

this is very true!
Yeah, sounds beefy and thick but slightly nasal and muddy. It's also a bit dark but that's how you like it, I guess :)