figure it out 5! a short one...

USMC0341 said:
That's normally a policy I follow in everything I do...but the people in UM Old School are so cool...I just wouldn't want to offend anyone (even though I really do think Nikki Sixx is a very limited bass player from a musician's point of view - regardless of how good he is at what he does - but that's just my humble opinion as a bass player)... Sixxswine and Trixxi are gonna kick my ass after that comment...

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Thats a good point ... for me what you said made me think of why I actually like his playing ..... and if you can make me think thats pretty damn good :loco:
1.) Cozy Powell(R.I.P) played with various bands throughout the years, can you name at least four of them?
Black Sabbath, Rainbow, Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Glen Tipton, Whitesnake

2.) Which member(s) of the '87-'90 era of Whitesnake never actually recorded a lick with the band?!
Adrian Vandenberg

3.) Tommy Aldrige played with what artists/bands from '81-present time?!
This could be a long list my friends....
Well, I know that he was in Whitesnake...

4.) Who told a Japanese "official" when arrested while trashing a club in a drunken stooper, "If my balls where on your chin, where would my dick be?!" Name the man & on what tour this occured....
No idea but that sounds Mötley to me...

5.) What do the breakups of House of Lords & the "Original" Motley have in common?
Both dismissed their singers?

6.) What does Ken Hensley from Uriah Heep do for a living?!

7.) Who were the two presenters at the Grammy Awards that presented Jethro Tull with their grammy the night they upsetted the once might Metallica?!
Never seen that one...

8.) The Band Velvet Revolver features members from what 4-5 bands?!
Guns'n'Roses, Stone Temple Pilots, The Cult... Someone help me out!

9.) Just how many fucking times have Tommy Lee & Pammy been married?!
Telling by the way the question's asked I suppose it was more than just once, right? Well, then I'd say twice...

10.) How many fucking KISS compilations exist?! And answer this one... Why?!
Must be countless but a little less than there are of Black Sabbath, Venom and Motörhead. Why? Gee, I don't know. Probably label politics.

11.) What ever happened to Buckcherry?!
No idea!

12.) What band claims that Beavis & Butthead ruined their career?!
Cher? Hahaha... :lol:

13.) What Black N Blue was written by Jonathan Cain & what bands has he been a part of?!
sixxswine said:
1.) Cozy Powell(R.I.P) played with various bands throughout the years, can you name
at least four of them?
Not four, but how'd previous respondents forget ELP? Oh, and didn't he play with Gary Moore?

sixxswine said:
2.) Which member(s) of the '87-'90 era of Whitesnake never actually recorded a lick with the band?!
I was going to say Vandenberg, but I can't believe I forgot Campbell..

sixxswine said:
3.) Tommy Aldrige played with what artists/bands from '81-present time?!
Don't forget Pat Travers & Vinnie Moore

sixxswine said:
6.) What does Ken Hensley from Uriah Heep do for a living?!
I heard once, and I remember it was part of the industry, but I believe it is totally unrelated to keyboards..

sixxswine said:
8.) The Band Velvet Revolver features members from what 4-5 bands?!
I simply couldn't care less...

sixxswine said:
9.) Just how many fucking times have Tommy Lee & Pammy been married?!
See response to question 8. Shoot! Pamela was hot *before* all the plastic surgery et al.. Now she's just a frickin' live Barbie doll..

sixxswine said:
12.) What band claims that Beavis & Butthead ruined their career?!
Has to be Grim Reaper.

sixxswine said:
13.) What Black N Blue was written by Jonathan Cain & what bands has he been a part of?!
I had no idea he wrote anything B&B performed, but I'd guess "Miss Mystery?" Cain was part of Babies, Journey, Bad English & Hardline, and maybe more, I guess..

How'd I do?
DrillSergeant said:
Yeah, same here. I guess they were one of the first victims of Grunge. How do you like the rest of their stuff?

They certainly were .... I Like the First album alot but the Second one in the heart of the young I HATE it I could never stand that album hahaha I will prolly never like it But I do Own the 1st and 3rd :D
DrillSergeant said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Do I have to be embarrassed if I admit that I like Winger anyway?
Naah! Kip is a masterful songwriter (as evidenced by his recent solo work at the very least) and the band, Winger, were a collection of virtuoso musicians.. There was no other way to be noticed in those dark days of eMpTV than to promote "image" over substance, and they shouldn't be scorned simply because they took advantage of Kip's perfect teeth. There was a lot of good, un-commercial-like stuff hidden within even some of their hits, but noone (inside that hideous industry machine) cares to note that..

On a tangent, anyone else watch the despicable crap on VH1 (probably a re-run) of the "Top 40 Hair Metal Bands of All Time" (or whatever)? What a load of shit that was.. I hate/d glam, and never cared for pop metal anyway, but the same people who sit on their thrones now belittling bands that were around then were, in the 80s, the people lavishing praise on Poison.. $%&^*#*(!*$*^$E%&(@ HYPOCRITES! I only hope that in 10 years, they have a similar feature dishing on grunge. grrrrrrr..
Just to throw in my two cent$ on this whole Winger thing... I found their first two records to be complete garbage, I hated their version of Pruple Haze... They all were talented musicians, but that didn't show until "Pull" which is a pretty good record...
I like all three of their records. Great band! :headbang:

Again, on Nikki I would agree that he is limited but I just wouldn't use the phrase "not very good" because the whole idea of "good" is subjective. The whole point of bass guitar in rock & roll is to help provide the groove and give the song a kick in the ass, so "good" should be judged on how much the bassist can give the song a kick in the ass. How hard it is doesn't even come into the equation... its how much the parts enhance the song. Nikki was great in that respect, therefore he was a great bassist, whether or not he was limited. He played with conviction & attitude and his bass parts were perfect for the songs.
Trixxi Trash said:
I like all three of their records. Great band! :headbang:

Again, on Nikki I would agree that he is limited but I just wouldn't use the phrase "not very good" because the whole idea of "good" is subjective. The whole point of bass guitar in rock & roll is to help provide the groove and give the song a kick in the ass, so "good" should be judged on how much the bassist can give the song a kick in the ass. How hard it is doesn't even come into the equation... its how much the parts enhance the song. Nikki was great in that respect, therefore he was a great bassist, whether or not he was limited. He played with conviction & attitude and his bass parts were perfect for the songs.

I completely agree...100%..and again...I should have been clearer. When I say "not very good"...I am talking about from a musician's point of view. No bands and no contexts of the genre you play in...I can't help looking at things that way, because I am a musician. Within the merits of bands...Nikki Sixx is one of the best bassists out there, because nobody on the face of this earth could have been a better bassist for the Crue. Nikki had it all and was the driving force within MC...there's no debating that. His songwriting abilities are just awesome - but again - you will never hear him sompose something along the lines of "Orion" or "Into the Lungs of Hell", which are much more complex and involved pieces...that's just not his thing.

I have a bad habit of just spewing something out without being clear about what I am specifically trying to sorry about that.

USMC0341 said:
I completely agree...100%..and again...I should have been clearer. When I say "not very good"...I am talking about from a musician's point of view. No bands and no contexts of the genre you play in...I can't help looking at things that way, because I am a musician. Within the merits of bands...Nikki Sixx is one of the best bassists out there, because nobody on the face of this earth could have been a better bassist for the Crue. Nikki had it all and was the driving force within MC...there's no debating that. His songwriting abilities are just awesome - but again - you will never hear him sompose something along the lines of "Orion" or "Into the Lungs of Hell", which are much more complex and involved pieces...that's just not his thing.

I have a bad habit of just spewing something out without being clear about what I am specifically trying to sorry about that.

That makes sense...
I think SIXX's contemporaries are people like Eric Brittingham, Gene Simmons,Pete Way, people like that.
You just can't compare him to Cliff Burton, David Ellefson & you can't compare them to someone like Billy Sheehan.
They all smoke, just in different ways.
JonnyD said:
Nope you dont have to be embarased! I Love Wingers 3rd album! it was their best one and everybody missed it!
They were a good band with top quality musicians. Kip was even a huge Metal Church fan. I never owned any of their CDs, but I had friends that had them and they were on the upper echelon of the more popular metal at the time. reb beach was a pretty damned good guitarist.
