Figure Number Five - OHs

Aaron Smith

Envisage Audio
Feb 10, 2006
Seattle, WA
One thing that has always struck me as odd is the sound of at least one of the cymbals on this Soilwork album. I'm sure that many of you will immediately know what I'm talking about...when a cymbal is being wailed away on, it sounds much less like a cymbal with defined attack and decay, and much more like an old telephone bell ringing endlessly. The hi-hat, china, and I believe another crash are NOT like this, however, which kind of makes me wonder if he's just using a really weird cymbal or if all the cymbals were individually miced and one was processed weird, or...? What are your thoughts?
Aaron Smith said:
One thing that has always struck me as odd is the sound of at least one of the cymbals on this Soilwork album. I'm sure that many of you will immediately know what I'm talking about...when a cymbal is being wailed away on, it sounds much less like a cymbal with defined attack and decay, and much more like an old telephone bell ringing endlessly. The hi-hat, china, and I believe another crash are NOT like this, however, which kind of makes me wonder if he's just using a really weird cymbal or if all the cymbals were individually miced and one was processed weird, or...? What are your thoughts?

Ah, I know what you are talking about. It's one cymbal that sounds like and low mp3 and everytime he hits that thing the song sounds like an mp3.
DSS3 said:
Now that's quite a close minded, ignorant, blanket statement. High school ended a few years ago, buddy.
I disagree with your assessment of his statement, but I do agree that it was a blanket statement, which was kind of his point. His statement might have been worded harshly, but seeing as how everything related to music is subjective, his opinion of Bergstrand's work isn't wrong.
Agree'd - it wouldn't be a wrong answer for him to say that, but it was in no way tactful or respectful, you know? He could've said "I don't like his productions at all." "Daniel Bergstrand doesn't produce very good work, IMO."

I said close minded and ignorant because his work is so varied, while still having his signature stamp, but each piece of work is different - just like Andy's, James's, Neil's, etc.
I can see not liking the current Berstrand sig. sound (drums are the giveaway) but he's certainly cut some good sounding records.
For example, I think DEI is a killer sounding record w/ a more conventional sound.
Anyway, Fredman did F#5.
could be time delay or bad phasing betweeen cymbals and overheads etc.

happened to me on one of my later productions , wasn't too obvious.
Let's see if I have this right...

One particular cymbal on Figure Five sounds like an "mp3"? Please give me a time frame and a track, I'm going to pull it up and compare notes. Are you going to cite track #4 with the china?!?! I bet you will... Hello... who is calling? Is that a telephone.. am I right? Plus its all on track7.

But.. Departure Plan makes up for all things now, doesnt it?
it would have been more rude for me to have said "all of bergstand's work is shit and he should fuck his mother" but instead i stated my opinion, that "I" dislike his work. thereby not making a blanket statement, because clearly not everyone dislikes his production.
Drums on Figure number five were Eingineered by Daniel Bergstrand, and a lot of it was done at Fredman with some stuff from Nordstrom, and the Band produced. I really like that album. Great vocals!

My favorite CD he's done, (and I'm pretty sure it was him, correct me if I'm wrong,) Is Demigod by Behemoth.
KeithRT99 said:
it would have been more rude for me to have said "all of bergstand's work is shit and he should fuck his mother" but instead i stated my opinion, that "I" dislike his work. thereby not making a blanket statement, because clearly not everyone dislikes his production.

A blanket statement doesn't imply that everyone feels a certain way about something, rather that you feel a certain way about all of a certain thing. In this case:

"i fucking hate daniel bergstand's productions."

This is a blanket statement, because you hate all of a certain thing. Thing = DB's productions.

I find it hard to believe that you don't like any of his work, though.