Tom Editing

James Murphy said:
i always record clean hit's from the toms at the top of a session.. every other piece of the kit as well for that matter... and i'll just replace the last hit. this lets you have the full tom decay (or control it as you like with a fade) with worry of a crash or hat just killing it. i don't to eq for the simple reason that it's just way too easy to kill the top end of the topms when trying to get rid of cymbals...:yuk:

This is one of the best tips I've heard in a long time.
egan. said:
This is one of the best tips I've heard in a long time.
there were some bad typos in that post.. here's the corrected version:

i always record clean hit's from the toms at the top of a session.. every other piece of the kit as well for that matter... and i'll just replace the last hit. this lets you have the full tom decay (or control it as you like with a fade) without the worry of a crash or hat just killing it. i don't try to eq the cymbal bleed out for the simple reason that it's just way too easy to kill the top end of the toms when trying to get rid of cymbals...:yuk: