Final Football Results


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Well guys, I have to say that this was a great football season for me playing along with the pool. I did not score very well but had the time of my life week after week keeping track and doing the schedules.

Here is the final standings.

Regular Season

Mr Hyde 127 wins
EC 110 wins
C 93 wins

Post Season

Mr Hyde 8 wins
EC 6 wins
C 4 wins

Congrats to Mr Hyde on winning the season and post season.:grin:

Take Care
Thanks guys. I had fun doing this every week. I only watched a few games this season but I made sure I checked in on the scores every Sunday to see how my picks were doing.

So, what do you guys think your favorite teams will do to get better next season?

I think the Cowboys made a good choice in choosing Parcells as their new coach. He won't be some kind of a miracle cure for that suck as team though. :lol: They should be fundamentally sound compared to the past few years and that should at least help them to look like they belong in the NFL.
I don't know how much talent they really have on the team. Parcells has always been good at getting the most out of his players and he'll need to get his psychology books out for sure when dealing with some of the gems J.J. has drafted.

The Raiders need a defense that can stop the run and an offensive coordinator who can call a better game. I haven't seen them make any moves yet to help fix those things. If they keep things the same I think they can expect to have a much more difficult time of things next season.

The 49ers did the Lions a great favor by letting Mariucci go. I know a lot of people blamed him for the 49ers lack of wins in big games but I don't think the 49ers are as talented as they believe themselves to be. We'll see next season what the 49ers do without him. I expect the Lions to be much improved.

The Steelers. I'm not sure what they need to do. I'm sure you have a list a mile long Ec. :lol:

It's been fun guys.
Originally posted by Mr. Hyde

The Steelers. I'm not sure what they need to do. I'm sure you have a list a mile long Ec. :lol:

Well, really I don't think they're in bad shape. They can focus pretty hard on DBs for the draft I think. Not much other needs. Maybe some depth on the O line.

They need to resolve the Kordell situation, and figure out whether they want Bettis as the featured back again. I think it best if they decide quickly.

Other than that I think a full training camp and offseason with Maddox will do wonders for them. I think they'll contend strongly next year.
Hey Ec, do you think they will trade Kordell, or start using him in other ways again?

Wasn't their pass defense really a problem last season? Was that the fault of the Db's and Backers or was it a combination of problems. How was the pash rush?
I know they were really good against the run, or at least I recall the announcers of one game I saw commenting on how you couldn't run on the Steelers D. Do you think the problems with the defense are something that can be corrected easily?
I was really surprised by the Steelers poor play to start the season. I remember a lot of people were predicting them to be the best team in the AFC last year. They did turn it around, so I would think that's a plus for their coaching staff.