Final Mixes done today! (***M-P-THRIZZLES!!***)


Jan 10, 2005
Alright, finally done. Snare is now not so annoying, guitars are up, vocals laid down, and even had time to record some intros off of an old cassette tape (har.) This is final mix, they loved it, so I left it alone...why mess with something good? Well, at least what they thought was good. I think maybe another hour could help a ton, but they had no more cash and the studio owner was like "get out." haha. Anyway, check out the mp3's! -------------------------------->

Enjoy. Comment. All that.

Lol, trust me I know. Did you happen to hear the first time I posted this stuff? When there were no vocals and the guitars were really quiet? The snare was like 40x worse then, so this is a huge improvement. But I didn' thave much say-so in the mix really. It is mostly at their request. Can't argue with customers, :(.

bass is super quiet on my monitors, i know with alot of grnd stuff it usually is, but its more so than usual here, other than that cool man. cept that snare. i assume its a piccalo.
Snare is improved indeed! good job getting through on them about the snare.. :hotjump:

You know what i miss though? bass...

Further i would say good job 006, not bad at all mate! these guys have some mean riffs...
Actually there is no bass guitar. Most of the low end that is even there is mostly the kick drum, lol. I threw a Waves MaxxBass plug on the kick and both guitars to add that thick low end to help out for the lack of a bassist. :) Thanks for the compliments Bob. And actually, on my very expensive home theater system there is plenty of low end on the recording, just not actually bass guitar. Which I even offered to bring in my 5-string so they could throw it on there, but the guitarist was like "our riffs are too fast and technical to play on a bass", so I didn't even bother with it after that, haha.

Sounds good man, but i feel it's really lacking a bass, the sound is too thin for my taste as it is.
Also, one thing about the toms, they sound like they're about 30 feet further back in the mix than the rest, not a bog problem, just an observation.

Anyways, good job man :)
What cuts out completely on the left side? The toms were really hard to get to come out. The drummer has his kit set-up so closely that when he goes to do rolls/fills really fast (such as what he has to do in this band) he "light hands" them and he's not very consistent. If he would've done what I asked during the level check so I could set up compression and everything on the toms, they would have been perfect. But instead he did the opposite and just gave me a bunch of hard ass hits. So I have the comps and eq's and everything set for that...then when he goes to play the songs, he barely touches them, except for the lowest tom-tom and the floor tom, which come out pretty well, those are the ones that actually show up in the recordings. He even came in and listened to his tracks and didn't say a word about them, so I'm assuming he's had this problem before when recording and never took the time to work on his touch. Oh well. :)

Nevermind, heard it again and its fine. Ive had the same problem with a drummer. Fast parts he barley touched the skins, and slow parts he was really pounding them. Can you use compression during tracking. or do you need outboard gear for that? I had to soundreplace everythng, my eyes where killing me trying to match all his little taps. Then it sounded really fake. So I went back to the original snare and blended the 2.
I like it how it is. I mean, it's raw and nasty. All I would do is add a bass track and call it good. But if it were me, I would add a little more mid to the guitar tracks and get them more forward in the mix (think more 500k to 700k, and a little 200K). They have some cool riffs going on here... It would be cooler if you could hear them with a little more definition.
006 said:
Actually there is no bass guitar. Most of the low end that is even there is mostly the kick drum, lol. I threw a Waves MaxxBass plug on the kick and both guitars to add that thick low end to help out for the lack of a bassist. :) Thanks for the compliments Bob. And actually, on my very expensive home theater system there is plenty of low end on the recording, just not actually bass guitar. Which I even offered to bring in my 5-string so they could throw it on there, but the guitarist was like "our riffs are too fast and technical to play on a bass", so I didn't even bother with it after that, haha.

ah well i was listening with krk v8's
006 said:
Which I even offered to bring in my 5-string so they could throw it on there, but the guitarist was like "our riffs are too fast and technical to play on a bass", so I didn't even bother with it after that, haha.

lol, did the guy really say that? If he did, that's just too funny.
Yea what a bunch of shit, bass lines don't have to be technical and follow the guitars anyway.

When playing bass in tech/extreme metal, it is sometimes best not to overcomplicate things and just suppot the guitars instead of outdoing them.

Tell the guy to pull his finger out and do the basslines, the mix would benefit massively.
Haha.. too technical is pretty fuinny yeah.. bass could easily be added, why don't you do it? 006?

Really, show the band this thread here, see howmany people demand a solid backbone bass to back up the guitars and compliment the drums?

Overall, the songs kick mucho ass, it's raw, it's metal, nicely mixed.. just lacks the bassguitar.. (sorry to repeat myself here 006 :loco: )
You know, when I was cruisin' yesterday, and was listening to the cd on my iPod through my car stereo, the whole time I was thinking "I could just go home and throw bass on it myself..." but once I finally got home, I forgot about it.

Yes, the guy actually said their stuff was too technical. So instead of laughing in his face, I just said "oh alright", and moved on. About the midrange boosting, I tried man, beleive me. There's a lot of things that *I* wanted to do that would make this soooo much better, but they all wanted it to sound like it does, so I had no choice. I guess they like it when you can't tell really what they're playing half the time on guitar, or that their snare sounds like a folding metal chair being beaten with a wooden spoon...but oh well.

Not sure if anyone has noticed yet, but the drummer even had me pan his drums all wierd. The hi-hats are on the left....and the ride is in the center but off to one side a bit, like if you were playing the drums, or viewing from behind, k? BUT, then he had me pan the toms like t1 r, t2 r, t3 c, t4 l, ft if you were looking at the front of the drumset. I don't know the point of that, and didn't think much of it during the session, but now it's annoying every once in a while. I guess I wasn't really paying attention at the studio or something when he asked me, because I was like "yeah sure" and just did it...meh.



Oh and to adrian...

Yes I used compression with outboard gear while tracking, as in the mic hits the comp before reaching the board. And like I said, I had it setup fine for what he was doing during mic/level check. But then he started to play and he hit them completely differently. We have Drumagog, but the hits were so quiet....roufhsoghwekljfehg39guhg93h, see bands need to have like...certain skills before even THINKING of going into a studio. When the engineer goes "ok, I need you to just play on the toms like you are going to during the fact, just play the songs, ok?" YOU PLAY THE DRUMS LIKE YOU NORMALLY DO DURING THE SONGS. I I being too demanding? Or is it just not "cool" to play the songs unless you're practicing, playing a show, or actually recording? I can't figure that out, and it's not the first time it's happened. The studio owner doesn't even ask them anything, he just goes "play the snare", "now the kick", "ok just tom 1. I said just tom 1. Yeah." BAAAHHHHHH. Whatever, they are happy with it, so I am ok. Yanno?

My view is in general that if you're just a guy recording them, then just let them make the choices, as weird as they can be, they are the clients and you are the interface between them and the machines... But if you think it's weird or not good, just don't advertise on it, maybe use a fake name like I should do myself (Henry Sleap, lol). But if you're asked to produce it, then you should be able to put your foot down and tell them what you think is right or wrong (snare, panning, bass...), especially if the guys are "not so good" (it's different when you're dealing with experienced musicians, but it's not the case for a lot of us). So things should be made clear from the begining.
Now considering the pain in the arse this session must have been, I'd say you've done a good job and saved the day.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
My view is in general that if you're just a guy recording them, then just let them make the choices, as weird as they can be, they are the clients and you are the interface between them and the machines... But if you think it's weird or not good, just don't advertise on it, maybe use a fake name like I should do myself (Henry Sleap, lol). But if you're asked to produce it, then you should be able to put your foot down and tell them what you think is right or wrong (snare, panning, bass...), especially if the guys are "not so good" (it's different when you're dealing with experienced musicians, but it's not the case for a lot of us). So things should be made clear from the begining.
Now considering the pain in the arse this session must have been, I'd say you've done a good job and saved the day.

well said. i agree completely.