Finally, an honest Democrat (or should I have just said, "honest politician?")


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Spoiled, fat, selfish ex-hippy babyboomers are going to destroy us all, this we already know.

But its starting with the Greatest Generation gulping down cheap medicines, paid by you and me. And its all because of that Republican president of ours, George W.

Anyway, here's a democrat who's being completely honest about why everyone knows Medicare is going to destroy the country, and doing NOTHING about it except adding more and more to it.

Sen, Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, tells Kroft that this problem is well known among members of Congress: "Yes, they know in large measure, Republicans and Democrats, that we are on a course that doesn't add up." And he acknowledges nobody is addressing the matter. Why? "Because it's always easier not to," Conrad says, "because it's always easier to defer, to kick the can down the road to avoid making choices--You get in trouble in politics when you make choices."

Thank you, Kent! A little honesty goes a long way with me.

So, babyboomers outrageous medical expenses will throw us into a great depression like their parents endured, which the selfish spoiled hippies will finally experience when they are oldest and weakest, which I think is ironic justice.

Only problem is, the rest of us will be standing on bread lines as well!

Thank God Hillary or Barak are going to add to the medicare expenses with universal health and drug benefits, and bring us these wonderful breadlines many many years earlier!

Jurched, the mere mention of bread-lines should instill fear in the hearts of the hippies. Imagine them smoking a big doobey and then having to stand in line for 3 hours just to get a bag of friggin' chips! That would put a quick end to their Socialism.