Finally finished a song and released it! For fans of THRASH, but with 7 strings...

"Evil" Aidy

Mörti Viventi
Jul 15, 2007
Stamford, Lincs
Firstly, it has been AGES since I posted on here! The reason I'm posting is because the advice, hints and tips in this forum over the years have been invaluable. Especially for a home recording enthusiast like myself. Thanks!

Here is what I've come up with:

Hope you enjoy it - I should have an album out in the new year. I'm no Andy Sneap, that's for sure but it's amazing what you can knock together in a box room in your house on your own with a pc a guitar and an SM57!

This is just fucking epic! Still absolutely loving that guitar tone man!

Can't wait to get my paws on the whole thing :D

Oh yeah and your voice is incredible....totally gotta get you to sing on some of my stuff.
Epic mate :) Great tone and mix. I'm thrash fan and can't wait your next songs!!! :rock::rock::rock:
Any tips? What gear did you use? Drums, bass? Mastered with softplugins only?
Thanks guys! Appreciate you listening and commenting!

I used:
Cubase SX3
SM57 for vocals
Reamped guitar DI's (without a reverse DI box or reamp device - yep, I know that's wrong but I had to work with what I've got!) into Boss GE7, TS9, Rocktron Hush pedal (on some songs) then into Valvestate 8100 then back into the Firepod from the FX loop so I could use Impulses in Boogex.
Amplitube 2 for the solos as it had a slightly different flavour that I felt complimented the other guitars.
In fact, the rhythm guitars are tracked 3 times per side. One of those is Amplitude 2 mixed in VERY slightly, fader on about -9. Kind of pointless, but this was before I learnt that "just because you've recorded it, doesn't mean it has to be in the mix". Haha!
My guitar is a Mockingbird N7 with a Duncan JB7.

I used various plugins, Waves ones, free ones, CamelCrusher, Voxengo Elephant etc

Drums are original DFHS.

Tips? I'm no expert but...
Lots of A/B between your own and mixes you like and on different sound systems too including headphones.
Don't have a few beers then try and mix. Didn't work for me!
Take lots of breaks so as not to get tired ears.
Read Daunt's Faderwear guides. Awesome!

Thank you again. Rock on!:Spin:
[quote="Evil" Aidy;10763671]Thanks guys! Appreciate you listening and commenting! I used...[/quote]

Many thanks for the answer. You have reached outstanding results mate!
Once again - great job and good playing as well :)

This is some fucking great shit! Nice to hear a real guitar player, with all the nuances that come with the right articulations.
I too am coming out with an album soon, early next year. We should swap pre-mastered cd's for feedback!