FINALLY, some Kat V news!...


Feb 11, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT USA
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Katagory V has nearly completed the process for their pre-production
demo, which features the 10 tracks that will appear on the new album,
tentatively titled The Rising Anger. The complete list of songs to appear on the
album are "Enemy", "Fading In...", "The Rising Anger", "Risk &
Sacrifice", "Leave Us Behind", "Hostile Takeover", "Will You Remember",
"Liberated Minds", "Drained" and "The Elitist".

Bassist, Dustin Mitchell, has made mention that new album will have a
thicker, heavier sound and be a bit more dynamics, and that many of the
songs will be more “straight-ahead with an emphasis on melodies & hooks”,
He has also stated that the new album shows a return to their roots
in early Bay Area/European thrash. The band is now moving into rehearsal/pre-production, and is scheduled to start recording the album at Streamline studios at the end of September.

Sheri~ :Shedevil:

Hey guys!

Wow, that are very good news - and you are definitely very quick with the new record! For me, "New Breed..." was a bit a disappointment - especially after the brillant debut! Not a bad record, just a small step back in quality. Hope the new one will be your best record to date!!

Keep us informed, okay? And if you have some time to post in another board, here's your chance:
Hope to see you there...

Hails Michael!

hmmm... I think we have talked via email before? I'm not at home to check, but I believe I have spoken to you via email in the past, correct me if I am wrong. :Spin:

Yes, we are fairly quick with this new album... :grin:
Their are many reasons why it is coming out so quickly, one of them is becasue the songs came together really well, really fast. Also, because we feel that it will indeed be the best Katagory V album to date as well.

We have been told by many German fans that "Rebellion..." was not as good as the first, which actually is good to know, because that tells us that people are paying attention to our music! It is hard to please everyone, and with the label we were on, and the audiance we were trying to target, it seemed like it was the right thing to do at the time. We still love that album, as it is a darker, more progressive side of our band, and it seemd to be well recieved by most of the American & Scandinaian fans more.... but we realized that we have a much larger German fanbase, and are going to make up for it with this new album.

I think with much paterince, and down the road in the future, many fans will see the method to our madness with "A New BReed of Rebllion". We believe it was a little too far ahead of it's time for us.

So, be ready, as the next album will be back to form for us... and there might even be a return of the Evil Princess as well! Not so much lyricly, but musicly... well, I might have already said too much! :loco:

I will defaintly stop by the Scared Metal forums when I get a chance! Just ask Jens... I love to talk about METAL!

Thansk for dropping by our forum, Michael! Hopefully we'll see aroudn here more!

with all due respect i must disagree with michael
your last album was by far your best a true (progression)
from your other ones can't wait to hear the new stuff
any chance of a show to sowcase the new songs
oh well just my 2cents
until next time keep rockin :worship:
Hey Nirad!

Thanks! Glad to hear you dig ....Rebellion! Actually, it doesn't look like we'll be playing live this year in Utah, but if we were to do so, we would definately be playing a lot of the new material live!

We'll see what happens after the new album is recorded... I would say it's highly possible we might play as early as November if things are working out with the bands personal schedual, but we'll definatly be playing live in Utah in 2005!

Hi Dustin!
Oh man, it seems that the automatically function for being informed when an answer has been posted does not work well. Sorry to answer so late, anyway.
Thanks at first for starting to post at I'm really proud of this little board and it goes pretty well... There are even some answers to your posting in the "English speaking board"... :-)

Then I'm really curious to your new record - is it possible to see a 2004 release?

And finally: yes, we have been in contact a few months ago - good memory, Dustin... :-)

Hope to stay in contac,
Michael@SacredMetal said:
Hi Dustin!
Oh man, it seems that the automatically function for being informed when an answer has been posted does not work well. Sorry to answer so late, anyway.
Thanks at first for starting to post at I'm really proud of this little board and it goes pretty well... There are even some answers to your posting in the "English speaking board"... :-)

Then I'm really curious to your new record - is it possible to see a 2004 release?

And finally: yes, we have been in contact a few months ago - good memory, Dustin... :-)

Hope to stay in contac,
Your welcome Michael :grin:
I think I'll be dropping by the scared metal board from time to time for sure. :Spin:

I would anticipate it being an early 2005 release. We're still looking for a home for it with a good label, and have one in particular that has placed interest and are hoping to have some info on that in the next few weeks.... we shall see what happens, as that will be the only thing that should cause a delay in it being reelased....

I am suprised I DO remember! But, I definately try to remember everyone that I have talked to.... how could I forget Micahel & Scared Metal! :grin:

Dustin said:
Your welcome Michael :grin:
I think I'll be dropping by the scared metal board from time to time for sure. :Spin:

I would anticipate it being an early 2005 release. We're still looking for a home for it with a good label, and have one in particular that has placed interest and are hoping to have some info on that in the next few weeks.... we shall see what happens, as that will be the only thing that should cause a delay in it being reelased....

I am suprised I DO remember! But, I definately try to remember everyone that I have talked to.... how could I forget Micahel & Scared Metal! :grin:


Hehe, thanks for the nice words, Dustin.
But it isn't of course SCARED Metal (how can we be scared of that music? Well, okay, there are some bands.... ;) ) but SACRED Metal. Little, but important difference... :tickled:

Michael@SacredMetal said:
Hehe, thanks for the nice words, Dustin.
But it isn't of course SCARED Metal (how can we be scared of that music? Well, okay, there are some bands.... ;) ) but SACRED Metal. Little, but important difference... :tickled:

:Spin: :blush:

okay... you caught me! I'll have you know, I am the worlds worst speller... and I always forget to spell check!

Of course, my typos can be pretty funny, as you have just noticed!:tickled:

Dustin said:
:Spin: :blush:

okay... you caught me! I'll have you know, I am the worlds worst speller... and I always forget to spell check!

Of course, my typos can be pretty funny, as you have just noticed!:tickled:


Its ok Dustin, we all get scared of the metal sometimes. The first step is to admit that you are frightened. I'm scared to! We will have to stick together to overcome this and...dare I say it? Embrace the metal as one would embrace his own mother.
Tarkus said:
Its ok Dustin, we all get scared of the metal sometimes. The first step is to admit that you are frightened. I'm scared to! We will have to stick together to overcome this and...dare I say it? Embrace the metal as one would embrace his own mother.
:tickled: :hypno:'re killing me here!!!! LOL!

...Just a quick FYI:

we'll be having some more updates concerning the new album here within the next two weeks....and will also hopefully have a preview of the new albums art work as well as a photo of the new line-up around that time. :cool:
