Finally the Middle East gives us some good news..

Billy i've driven around it - I've been there.

I was sent to saudi in 1995 in the Air Force as part of the U-2 spying program...yes roughly the same plane Gary Powers was shot down in in the 50's...

Our U-2 was about 40 percent bigger though. Anyway we were about 2 hours drive from there but what was funny was that if your arab you get to run down this massive 8 lane highway right into mecca...but before that if you aren't you are herded onto this dusty little two lane blacktop for like 30 miles all hot and full of dunes smellin of dead camel and gas station the whole way till you get around mecca with rusty pumps.

But anyway many of the americans who are expatraiates for the saudis gave us the truth about mecca
its just like any other city with drugs, prostitution, etc. nothin really special...

and another thing they are fuckin slobs over there just trash and shit everywhere like the third world nation they are...

why use bullets we got enough hog blood to scare the shit out of those insurgent mother fuckers
Fuck the Middle Earth.
There's too many problems.
They just get in the way.
We could sure live without them.
They hijack our carts.
They raise our mithril prices.
We'll kill em all and have a ball.
And end their fuckkin crisis.
MORDOR, ISENGARD, won't exist once we're done.
MORIA, ROHAN, we'll flush those bastards down the can.
ARNORIANS and MIRKWOODERS, we'll crush their faces with our might.
Then GONDOR and SHIRE can live in peace without these dicks.

I love this time of year, more Moslems get killed than on "Spring Cleaning" day at Guantanamo Bay, and they do it all themselves, excellent!! If they aren't stampeding because "someone saw the devil" (saw some soap, more like), they are having multiple shit-box car pile-ups. I saw this, and thought if there were 140 killed, there could only be one explanation - the bed collapsed!
Let's hope for a world record stampede this year, all the way to Baghdad/Jeddha/Riyadh/Damascus/Bradford etc etc
Arg_Hamster said:
Fuck the Middle Earth.
There's too many problems.
They just get in the way.
We could sure live without them.
They hijack our carts.
They raise our mithril prices.
We'll kill em all and have a ball.
And end their fuckkin crisis.
MORDOR, ISENGARD, won't exist once we're done.
MORIA, ROHAN, we'll flush those bastards down the can.
ARNORIANS and MIRKWOODERS, we'll crush their faces with our might.
Then GONDOR and SHIRE can live in peace without these dicks.


Now that is comedy!!

Mecca is a dirty shithole just like..yeah..all of the middle eastern cities ive been too. The only one that didnt suck complete ass was Kuwait city and Dubai. Dubai is pretty pimp. I could visit that place again.
Hey...I was in Dubai for about a month or so back in '92 (military). Man I bought a shit load of gold stuff.....chains, earrings, bracelets ...dirt cheap man...I bought a tri gold bracelet for my mom for 60.00...I took it to a couple of jewelry stores to find out what it was worth. It was valued at around 200.00. Anyway, it was OK in Dubai...but it looked like everything was under contruction.....Meh. Fuck the Middle East.

Dubai is alot nicer now. Still has its shady shitholes like every major place in the world though.

Psycho21477 said:
Hey...I was in Dubai for about a month or so back in '92 (military). Man I bought a shit load of gold stuff.....chains, earrings, bracelets ...dirt cheap man...I bought a tri gold bracelet for my mom for 60.00...I took it to a couple of jewelry stores to find out what it was worth. It was valued at around 200.00. Anyway, it was OK in Dubai...but it looked like everything was under contruction.....Meh. Fuck the Middle East.

I can't wait for Iran to become nuclear capable so that Israel goes in and obliterates them (with the US firepower, of course) completely on their own.

Yeah thats just what the world needs, Israel with an excuse to use nuclear weapons
Never said Israel would use nukes. Iran being "nuclear capable" means they have succeeded in enriching the Uranium. It would be only a short stretch to make a delivery device from there for them to test and utilize. Israel would just bomb the hell out of them and Iran wouldn't stand a chance.

I, for one, am a strong advocate of taking Iran off the map. They have sponsored terrorism around the world for long enough and villify American and Israel for all their woes.
DeathsHead said:
Yeah thats just what the world needs, Israel with an excuse to use nuclear weapons

we need more nukes nowadays, back in the day it was nothign to drop um, nowadays everyone is to big of a pussy...

wait, why the fuck am i posting in the billy milano forum?:erk:
Zygote said:
we need more nukes nowadays, back in the day it was nothign to drop um, nowadays everyone is to big of a pussy...

wait, why the fuck am i posting in the billy milano forum?:erk:

go post on arch enemy's board since she's god.

by the way- I didn't know god had to you a computer to make his voice sound like a mans..
Zygote said:
we need more nukes nowadays, back in the day it was nothign to drop um, nowadays everyone is to big of a pussy...

wait, why the fuck am i posting in the billy milano forum?:erk:

go post on arch enemy's board since she's god.

by the way- I didn't know god had to (use) a computer to make his voice sound like a mans..