Find your inner death/black/heavy metal star

#1 Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse/Six Feet Under)
#2 Dee Snyder (Twisted Sister)
#3 Dead (Mayhem)
#4 Varg Vikernes (Burzum)
#5 Ozzy Osborne
#6 Fenris (Darkthrone)
#7 Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)
#8 Mortiis
#9 Demonaz (Immortal)
#10 Axl Rose
#11 Glen Benton (Deicide)
#1 Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse/Six Feet Under)

#2 Dead (Mayhem)

#3 Dee Snyder (Twisted Sister)

#4 Ozzy Osborne

#5 Glen Benton (Deicide)

#6 Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)

#7 Axl Rose

#8 Mortiis

#9 Varg Vikernes (Burzum)

#10 Fenris (Darkthrone)

#11 Demonaz (Immortal)
#1 Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse/Six Feet Under)

#2 Dead (Mayhem)

#3 Varg Vikernes (Burzum)

#4 Ozzy Osborne

#5 Dee Snyder (Twisted Sister)

#6 Fenris (Darkthrone)

#7 Axl Rose

#8 Demonaz (Immortal)

#9 Mortiis

#10 Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)

#11 Glen Benton (Deicide)

Oh shit, I fucking hate Burzum and he is #3 :confused: :eek:
#1 Varg Vikernes (Burzum)
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#2 Fenris (Darkthrone)
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#3 Ozzy Osborne
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#4 Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse/Six Feet Under)
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#5 Dee Snyder (Twisted Sister)
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#6 Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)
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#7 Demonaz (Immortal)
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#8 Glen Benton (Deicide)
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#9 Axl Rose
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#10 Mortiis
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#11 Dead (Mayhem)
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El Cid.
what a load of hogwash. i think there's a bank of about 14 people, picked at random for a ten-person list.

i honestly answered 'no' to all the question and still got paired with silly gits like barnes, fenriz, and the guy from twisted sister. :rolleyes:
#1 Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse/Six Feet Under)
:mad: i am not interested in murdering someone

#2 Varg Vikernes (Burzum)
#3 Fenris (Darkthrone)
#4 Dead (Mayhem)
this is sweet :) I am so ultra-satanic :lol: what a pity FV is not around to see this :grin:

#5 Dee Snyder (Twisted Sister) laaaaaame :mad:
#6 Mortiis this is really sweet :D trollish union ;)

#7 Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)
#8 Ozzy Osborne
#9 Axl Rose

#10 Demonaz (Immortal)

#11 Glen Benton (Deicide) my favourite metal personality ever :Puke:
#1 Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse/Six Feet Under)
#2 Dee Snyder (Twisted Sister)
#3 Glen Benton (Deicide)
#4 Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)
#5 Dead (Mayhem)
#6 Axl Rose
#7 Ozzy Osborne
#8 Varg Vikernes (Burzum)
#9 Fenris (Darkthrone)
#10 Mortiis
#11 Demonaz (Immortal)

So, what shall I say?!? I hate Varg because he is - to my mind - a nazi and shall burn in hell (that's what he wants, right), so I suspected him at #11... but Chris Barnes RULES!!! (#0 - Mikael Stanne or what?)
Originally posted by saturnix
i honestly answered 'no' to all the question and still got paired with silly gits like barnes, fenriz, and the guy from twisted sister. :rolleyes:

of course that's because ppl in league with the devil are used to say "no" to everything, as a form of evil denial, no matter what. :grin:

you have to check your satanism handouts, rahve. devil worshippers use to say "yes" to all suggestions coming from the world and the flesh, in contrast with the continuous withdrawal from pleasures of life experienced by those who live by any other lifestyle, especially christianity.

hyena - BU PRIDE!
@hyena: no way. it's pretty clear that where all pro-life religions and philosophy are clearly yes-oriented, nihilism and satanism and all doctrines concerning the anti-something are primarily no-oriented. to say otherwise would be utter blasphemy, or possibly even bubu. and if you say no you're evil.

#1 Fenris (Darkthrone)
#2 Varg Vikernes (Burzum)
#3 Dead (Mayhem)
#4 Demonaz (Immortal)
#5 Mortiis
#6 Axl Rose
#7 Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse/Six Feet Under)
#8 Glen Benton (Deicide)
#9 Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)
#10 Ozzy Osborne
#11 Dee Snyder (Twisted Sister)

...interesting.... and very true also... hmmm
#1: Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse/Six Feet Under)
#2: Varg Vikernes (Burzum)
#3: Fenris (Darkthrone)
#4: Mortiis
#5: Ozzy Osborne
#6: Dead (Mayhem)
#7: Dee Snyder (Twisted Sister)
#8: Demonaz (Immortal)
#9: Glen Benton (Deicide)
#10: Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)
#11: Axl Rose
#1 Chris Barnes (Cannibal Corpse/Six Feet Under)
#2 Dead (Mayhem)
#3 Varg Vikernes (Burzum)
#4 Fenris (Darkthrone)
#5 Dee Snyder (Twisted Sister)
#6 Mortiis
#7 Axl Rose
#8 Demonaz (Immortal)
#9 Ozzy Osborne
#10 Glen Benton (Deicide)
#11 Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)

Proof that its a load of shite! Gods I can't stand cannibal corpse...