finding a guitar


Aug 3, 2008
North Carolina
i want to get a Jackson king V 10 in snow white, but I havent been able to find it in that colour. does it only come in white on the $2000 dollar version? if i got a black one, how much would it cost to have it painted white?
The $2000 version is the KV2, not the KV10. I doubt you can get it in white unless you either custom shop it, get it resprayed or buy a KV2T. KV2T will cost more and be a string thru, as the name implies. If you wanna spray a KV2 white then expect another couple of hundred on top.
The $2000 version is the KV2, not the KV10. I doubt you can get it in white unless you either custom shop it, get it resprayed or buy a KV2T. KV2T will cost more and be a string thru, as the name implies. If you wanna spray a KV2 white then expect another couple of hundred on top.
I don't like the headstock on the KV2T, and i can't aford the KV2. the one i want is the KV10 it's $500, well within range. i just can't find it in white
they don't do X10 models in white, only black and those ridiculous eerie swirl finishes. If you're gonna get a KVX10 and respray it then you may as well go the whole hog and buy new hardware for it (in black). Theres little point in respraying without making the hardware look nicer haha.

I'd personally avoid the KVX10 like the plague though. Those guitars are awful, completely unreliable and the rtremolo is awful too. Thats why you should always go for the higher models, sadly Jackson King V guitars only have four models and two are about £1600
that's actually the plan. A full Floyd Rose kit in black is only $200 and the pait job shouldn't be more than $200. that puts the whole thing at $1000. which is 1/2 the price of the KV2 with the only huge difference being a bolt-on neck.
If you're really determined to customise a KVX10, get the following;

- Get the body resprayed (white w/ black bevels would look good)
- New hardware (tuning knobs, machine heads etc.)
- Get the tremolo replaced with a ZR trem from Ibanez' website, but make sure to get it in black to match the hardware and make you measure the trem cavity. Nothing worse than buying the trem then finding out it doesn't fit. Failing the ZR (which would be a shame) go for the Floyd Rose in black (again, to match the hardware as silver hardware looks gay on white axes).
- New Pickups. I'd say Seymour Duncan JB/59 set. SD puickups are full of epic win.

A lot to remember, but all in all its far cheaper to cusrtomise a wank guitar than it is to buy an epic one I suppose.
I've grown to not give a fuck about bolt ons or neck thrus nowadays. The only thing that makes an RR3 even slightly iffy is the 22 fret thing, but thats all. I own an RR3 and its a solid fucking axe.

here it is, just ordered it.