finding SAXON on cd

  • Thread starter Thread starter DamYank
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I've been a saxon fan for over 10 years, and I have all of theiralbums on cassette tapes. Time has atken it's toll on them, and I've spent the last 2 years trying to find them on cd. It's been very hard to find even the more recent leases. I've specail ordered as many as I can, but I still can't find Power and the Glory or Innocence is not Exuce. Dose any one know where i can find these on cd?


Have you tried CD-NOW, or Amazon... I am not sure if they have them, but they do sometimes have imports from Japan... try it out (Internet sites obviously). If not there, go to CDSTREET, you can put up requests for second hand CD's and there are so many people registered to this that there is bound to be someone with a copy they want to sell.

Phil Q-W (Chaosvalve)

I am currently doing the same thing, transferring all my Saxon albums to CD. While it is tough w/some releases, I have found success at GEMM (, many people are putting up full collections for sale. eBay is another alternative, as well as, Axekiller records (, the French label that has reissued P&G and IINE in limited edition quantities.

Check out CD Universe! I know I saw POWER AND THE GLORY listed!!! and cheap too!!!

thanks for all the help ........ I now have the cds I need on order. Anyone else who comes here looking try the sites listed above they were a big help to me.

To all SAXON fans looking for SAXON cd's, try RAMMUSIC. This is a company based around Milwaukee Wisconsin that specialize in heavy metal/ hard rock cd's. They currently have the entire SAXON catalog , except DESTINY and ROCK-ROLL-GYPSIES, for sale in their catalog. They are accepting pre-orders for the remastered reissue of DESTINY on axe killer records to be released sometime soon. I have been a loyal customer of theirs for a while now and they've yet to disappoint. Their address is
Good luck and best wishes SAXON fans. I hope I've been of some help as I'm always glad to help fans of true metal and hard rock music. SAXON is definitly one of the greatest.

Scott S.

I have had a lot of luck using ROCKHOUSE Records, Amsterdam! They have a website and there is plenty of METAL to be found! They didn't take too long sending the stuff either! GOOD LUCK ALL YOU METALHEADS!!!

Here is the link!

I'm a fairly new Saxon fan. Actually being the metalhead I am I'm always looking for new bands to get CDs from. As die-hard a fan of Headbanger's ball from 1989-1993 like I was I can't believe that when I saw Saxon: Metalhead on CD I had NO idea who Saxon was. I was browsing through the heavy metal section at the record store when I came across it and picked it up for the cover art alone and just hoped it would be a decent disc. The rest is history:D It didn't leave my CD player for the next 2 months! I special ordered Unleash The Beast and that rocked my world too! Just last week I picked up The Eagle Has Landed Part II and I'm chomping at the bit to see them live! Anyway, I am proud to have discovered this band and I too hope to soon have their collection on CD. Keep rock alive!
