Brazilian Saxon Fan




Sorry for my bad english, am writting this with a dictionary in my hands. I'm new to the board. I'm 31 years old and hear this band since 1985. My first album was Innocence is no excuse. Unfortunately the new Saxon CD isn't available in shops of my region. :(
Who know this week. I can't wait.
I hope see them for the first time in my life on the Killing Ground Tour in Brazil. In the other times that Saxon came to Brazil I didn't go cause I live in a distant region of São Paulo. Wish a bigger tour, playing in POA for that I can see them.

E ai irmão!

Também sou brasileiro e depois do accept o saxon é minha banda preferida.
Tenho 26 anos e infelismente só conheci o som do Saxon neste ano, mesmo assim está valendo a pena.

I´m brazilian, too! I like Accept and Saxon.
I have 26 old years and only know the Saxon´s sound this year.

Metal Health!