Finding Someone


Oct 26, 2009
Hello. As I've posted recently in here, my roommates randomly moved out. No warning no explanations. My lady and I are trying to take them to small claims court so they'll have to pay the remainder of this lease's rent. However, we don't know where they went! We've tried to contact them via telephone and internet, but they simply won't respond. We can't take them to court without knowing their address.

Do any of you guys know of a good tactic on how to find these people? I've searched the web for a source that will let me track them using their cellphones, but I've not found anything helpful.. Do you guys know of any 'secret' websites that are obscure or ANY way of finding them? I'd really appreciate the help.
I feel your pain bro, A former bandmate stole a £1300 trace elliot rig from me and it has took me about 3 years to find his address and send him the court proceedings. Hope you find them- are there any mutual friends that can help you out with their location? This is how I solved my problem, you don't have to say where you got the address from and I'm sure people will take your side on this matter if they did just disappear like you said.
Do you live in USA? If so, I believe bounty hunters are legal in your country!

Bounty hunters are for those that skip bail - what he needs is a Private Investigator decide but then you have to decide whats it worth to you as the fees might be more than you can possibly gain in a suit.

Did you know where either of them worked? I'd go there and see if either left a forwarding address - be honest with the person they worked for that you are filling a claim against them and need an address for the lawsuit and they have not responded to your requests. Or - stake the place out and follow them home if they still work there. :devil:
Bounty hunters are for those that skip bail - what he needs is a Private Investigator decide but then you have to decide whats it worth to you as the fees might be more than you can possibly gain in a suit.

Did you know where either of them worked? I'd go there and see if either left a forwarding address - be honest with the person they worked for that you are filling a claim against them and need an address for the lawsuit and they have not responded to your requests. Or - stake the place out and follow them home if they still work there. :devil:

Bounty hunters are for those that skip bail - what he needs is a Private Investigator decide but then you have to decide whats it worth to you as the fees might be more than you can possibly gain in a suit.

Did you know where either of them worked? I'd go there and see if either left a forwarding address - be honest with the person they worked for that you are filling a claim against them and need an address for the lawsuit and they have not responded to your requests. Or - stake the place out and follow them home if they still work there. :devil:

Thanks for this tip! I just caught wind that my parents neighbor is a bounty hunter.. Also I DO know where the guy lives. He'll have a little surprise this monday :devil:
Hire the SSL!!!

That would be the Super Soldier League. :D They are soldiers of fortune, and cost just over $7000. I hear its worth it though. Talk to Sargent Mercury. He'll bundle those people up for ya quick.
There are people out there who "find things/people." I have a few friends who do this, and the information they can uncover is pretty insane. I'd try finding a PI or someone similar, though they aren't exactly cheap.