Fine line between business and pestering


Nov 9, 2001
Hey dudes, I have a serious question. OK so imagine if somebody calls you and says they would like to work with you on something. Then they tell you they'll call back in a few days.

However, they don't call back even after a week has passed, so you call them on Friday, leaving a message asking them to call you back, but then Monday comes and they still have not called. So you email their cel-phone and they write back saying only "do not call, fax".

Keep in mind that this person is probably very very busy.

OK so like when is it OK to try and call them again? This evening? A few days?
Also imagine they are 50 years old and assumingly pretty professional. If they changed their mind about working with you, they would at least get in touch and let you know, right?
i'd say give them until thursday at least. at least that's my experience with older professional people. after the middle of the week they feel less crazy. they get all stressed out.
i'd think he's totally ok, just really busy.

like the others said, give him time and if he hasn't called you by tomorrow evening, give him another call. it's quite possible he really didn't get the message. sometimes cell phones suck. and i'm thinking you're just anxious, so waiting may suck, but showing patience could also play favorably in your direction. not blowing him off patience; calling tomorrow should be good. communication is key, but you don't wanna overdo it and piss him off.

if no contact after wednesday, send flowers or a singing telegram.