Fine line between business and pestering

well after he wrote "SEND FAX"... i didn't. So this morning he sent another email saying he didn't get the messages from yesterday and to send again. So I sent a short one saying "Sorry! If you have time please give me a call. - toby"

Because even though the plan was to wait, he did write again so I didn't want to leave him hanging or anything.

Anyhow I sent that email about an hour ago and haven't heard from him.

He hates me :<

By the way this is my first post from my new browser ("Safari" on OS X 10.2.5) and it is pretty slick!
The browser or the post?
Eric!!! It went great!

PS. I already have (a.k.a. Mia has) the Yuka Honda CD but thanks for the offer! (I like it, but it doesn't blow my mind).

PPS. my private message box is full, so that's why I'm replying here. :) :) :)

and yeah, the yuka honda is cool, but nothing amazing. i didn't know she had done solo stuff, though- was just looking and found it. need to pay attention more. mia may have some cibo matto then, i guess? check them out fer sure if you haven't yet.
