Fingernail question


New Metal Member
Aug 28, 2008
Hey guys (and Chris if he sees this, hope he will).

I've been playing electric guitar for... eh... I think like 14 months now. But I've recently been picking up my chemistry teachers classical guitar (best. chem teacher. EVER.) in class and messing around.

But I have a problem. I finger pick much better with nails, but when I try to play electric with long nails I'm really screwed up. So my question is really what should I do? Change the way I hold a pick? Get used to it? Someone I know recommended false nails but exactly where do I find a set of false nails I can take on, off, and use them again that aren't really... well... Girly?

I'm really stumped. I love electric, and I'm really starting to like classical, I've got some cash saved up so I think I may take the plunge and get one soon, but the nail thing is really worrying me.
Hey guys (and Chris if he sees this, hope he will).

I've been playing electric guitar for... eh... I think like 14 months now. But I've recently been picking up my chemistry teachers classical guitar (best. chem teacher. EVER.) in class and messing around.

But I have a problem. I finger pick much better with nails, but when I try to play electric with long nails I'm really screwed up. So my question is really what should I do? Change the way I hold a pick? Get used to it? Someone I know recommended false nails but exactly where do I find a set of false nails I can take on, off, and use them again that aren't really... well... Girly?

I'm really stumped. I love electric, and I'm really starting to like classical, I've got some cash saved up so I think I may take the plunge and get one soon, but the nail thing is really worrying me.

Hey Dusty,

Search this forum for prior posts about this. It basically comes down to compromises but I recommend Alaska finger picks.

Take care, Chris.
Hey Dusty,

Search this forum for prior posts about this. It basically comes down to compromises but I recommend Alaska finger picks.

Take care, Chris.

Hey thanks a ton Chris :) I guess I didn't see the search bar, most of the time it's not a drop down like this one haha. I'll definately check these out, I think I've decided what classical I'm going to get (Alhambra 5p) so I'll make sure to order some of these really soon!

Hopefully once you start giving lessons again I can get a few! The more and more I play classical the more I like it. Really thinking about trying to get into college with it.