Finnish Pronounciations...


Apr 18, 2002
Wooster, Ohio
This is something that has had me confused for quite awhile. How do you pronounce each of the band members names?

My guesses...

Antti Kokko - Antee Cocoa (or cocko, but not sure)
Pekka - (Pretty obvious, besides last name)
Janne Kusmin - Yawnee Kuzzman
Timo Lehtinen - Teemo Letenen

Sorry, I don't know a thing about Finnish so I hope I have not offended Antti or anyone else.
I didn't think it would be "Anti", with the two T's I figured it would be more accentuated than that. But I'm not Finnish so I don't know these things :grin:
Finnish is pronounced just the same way it is written, so i guess there is no right way to say it in english as english speaking people never really pronounce them the original finnish way. Trying to put finnish names in english concept just does not work, but what you wrote would be rather close i guess.
Not all Finnish is pronounced the way it's written. For instance, the Finnish u is always the English 'oo' sound, and the a sounds more like 'uh' rather than 'ah' or 'ay.' Throw in rolled r's and umlauts and the fact that the stress is always on the first syllable, and it sounds quite different.
In latin languages, U is the english OO. So finnish is pronounced the way it's written for latin language speakers.